You Can Eat Rice Porridge And Lose Weight

This is a delicious dessert, which contrary to what most people think, can help you lose weight. All you need to do is use skim milk and a low-calorie sweetener, combined with a healthy diet and some exercise
You can eat rice porridge and lose weight

Rice porridge is a typical children’s dish, which is full-bodied and with many nutritional qualities. This porridge contains vitamins, proteins and calcium. You can eat rice porridge hot or cold and it is a perfect complement to physical activity.

And as if that weren’t enough, recent research suggests that rice porridge can help you lose weight. It almost seems too good to be true! In today’s article we will share a little more information about the benefits of rice porridge.

Eat rice porridge after exercise

2-cream cinnamon

Let us first focus on the nutritional properties of this dish. We already know that it is ideal to exercise.  Eating rice porridge after exercise will have benefits for all your muscles.

The benefits of this sweet treat that are usually given to children can be divided into its three main ingredients:


You can use either white or brown rice. The first variant is digested faster, but the second is healthier and contains more fiber.

In any case, rice is a good source of carbohydrates, and it helps to restore your glycogen stores that are depleted in the muscles after exercise.


3-almond milk

If you are lactose intolerant, you can choose milk made from almonds, coconut or millet. If you choose to use cow ‘s milk, make sure it is skimmed milk or skimmed milk to prevent you from increasing its fat content.

Milk is full of protein (whey and casein) and carbohydrates (lactose) which also help restore your glycogen stores. This helps your body absorb the amino acids it needs to perform all of its important functions.


Cinnamon gives rice porridge a special taste, while it has many nutritional benefits. All athletes should add cinnamon to their diet. It helps fight inflammation, lower blood pressure, eliminate flu symptoms, lower cholesterol, fight diabetes, and it has antioxidant effects that aid digestion.

How to lose weight by eating rice porridge


This satisfying, nutritious, light and energetic dish can help you lose weight when you eat it after exercise or in the morning with your breakfast. If you are the type who does not like to eat so much when you have just woken up, because it gives a heavy feeling all day, or if you are looking for something other than the usual coffee or tea, rice porridge is an ideal alternative.

It is also recommended for those who perform very strenuous activities during the day, because it provides more energy than a fruit or some juice. Once you have made this rice porridge, you can store it in the fridge for up to three days.


  • 1 liter of milk (the type you choose yourself)
  • 1 cup white or brown rice (200 g)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • The peel of a lemon (optional)
  • Sweetener to taste (optional)


  • Put the milk, cinnamon stick and lemon peel in a saucepan.
  • Boil the milk.
  • Add the rice and reduce the heat to medium.
  • Stir with a wooden spoon regularly to prevent it from burning.
  • After 20 minutes, the mixture should have a more creamy consistency.
  • Remove the cinnamon stick and serve in cups or bowls.
  • Sprinkle with cinnamon and enjoy.
5-rice milk

Eating rice porridge daily can help you lose up to 1.5 kg a week. Of course, you need to take care of what you eat and supplement your diet with daily exercise and two liters of water. A daily menu can, for example, consist of:

  • Breakfast: a cup of rice porridge and a cup of tea
  • Morning snack: a peach and an apple
  • Lunch: a small portion of fish or chicken, a tomato salad with carrots, and a cup of rice porridge for dessert
  • Afternoon snack: a grapefruit and a kiwi
  • Dinner: as much rice porridge as you like
  • Before going to bed: a cup of tea

And what about rice milk?

Not everyone likes to eat rice porridge, and they are looking for alternative ways to lose weight without losing all the benefits of this dish. A good alternative is rice milk, which is not only a good substitute for cow’s milk, but it is also refreshing and satisfying.

And there’s more: rice milk has more calcium than milk from any other source. This makes it ideal for those who are vegans, menopausal women, or pregnant women.

6-rice milk

Rice milk helps you burn calories because it contains little saturated fat and lactose. This reduces your levels of “bad” cholesterol, while helping to prevent skeletal diseases and improve your digestive system.

It has cleansing properties and provides a good amount of vitamin D, which, according to recent research, contributes to fat burning, and can also be a great tool for losing weight. Other vitamins found in rice milk include vitamins A, B12 and vitamins E. This milk also provides iron, magnesium and selenium.

Rice milk is easier to digest than other types of milk that are animal or plant-based, so it is recommended for those who have regular problems with digestion or heartburn. It is very satisfying and nourishing for patients who are newly operated on, weak or have lost their appetite.

The trace elements found in rice milk strengthen and stimulate your immune system,  and help you avoid diseases caused by viruses or bacteria.

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