Why Should You Bottle Tomatoes And How Do You Do It?

Bottling bottled tomatoes is a great way to give them a long shelf life. Read more about how to do this in this article!
Why should you bottle tomatoes and how do you do it?

Tomatoes are very popular all over the world. Whether in sauces, pastas and, of course, ketchup, the tomato has become a basic ingredient in thousands of recipes. Today we will talk about how to bottle tomatoes and why you should do it!

What happens when you start bottling tomatoes?

Different vegetables in glass containers

Tomato puree, canned tomatoes and canned tomatoes are great to have available. If you have them in your kitchen cupboard, they can last a long time. However, when you buy them at the store, they contain preservatives. These help them maintain the long shelf life, but it is not very healthy. This is why the best option is to make tomatoes by the glass at home.

How to bottle tomatoes?


You may not believe it, but it’s actually very easy to preserve your own tomatoes at home. Here’s how:

  1. Boil the tomatoes for a few minutes in a large saucepan. The goal of this is to make the shell softer so that it becomes easier to peel them.
    Tip: A simple trick for peeling tomatoes is to make a cross on the bottom of the tomato before cooking it. This helps the shell to soften better and more evenly.
  2. After cooking them for about two minutes (ripe tomatoes take less time), remove them from the water and place them in a bowl of very cold water to stop the cooking process and remove the peel. An excellent option to make it faster is to add ice cubes. Once cooled, the process will be much easier. This also means that they retain their color and taste much better.
  3. You do not need to remove the seeds or any parts on the inside. Cut the peeled tomatoes into quarters and place them in a glass jar with a lid. Fill the glass to the top. You can press them down a little to make room for more.
  4. When all the tomatoes are in a jar, fill the glass with water almost to the top and add a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar. Aside from providing flavor, this helps preserve them.
  5. Wipe the edge of the jar and close it tightly. It is best to use special jars designed for this purpose. These come with a ring around the top to keep them waterproof.
  6. When the glass is closed, place it in a pot of boiling water. The pot should be large enough to fit the glass so that it is completely covered.
  7. When completely immersed, let it cook for 45 minutes.
  8. Remove it from the water and let it rest overnight or for at least 24 hours.
  9. Keep it at room temperature without direct sunlight after 24 hours. You now have canned tomatoes that stay good for a whole year.

Why is it so good to bottle bottled tomatoes?

Bottled tomatoes

Bottling or canning food has always been the best way to keep food healthy. Whether it is tomatoes, peppers or olives, there are many reasons to do so. Some of the many benefits include:

  • Glass is hygienic.
  • It does not spoil the taste at all.
  • There are no disturbances of oxygen or other gases. It is virtually impossible for food to oxidize or be damaged.
  • As a result of this last point , it keeps the food fresh much longer than normal.
  • It is resistant to hot and cold temperatures, so different foods can be prepared this way.
  • It is easy to store and use food like this.
  • There is no concern that microorganisms will harm the food.
  • It preserves odor and freshness.

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