Which Oil Is Healthiest For Deep Frying?

There are a number of oils to choose from when frying food, but do you know which is the healthiest choice? Keep reading to learn more!
Which oil is healthiest for deep frying?

Deep-fried foods have always been popular. Many traditional recipes require oil. Fried food is also a fundamental element of the fast food industry. Unfortunately, people often do not use the healthiest oil to fry their food. Which oil is actually healthiest for deep frying?

Deep frying food at home does not have to be unhealthy. It simply depends on the type of oil you use and how you use it. Let’s learn more in this article!

How does deep frying work?

Deep frying consists of immersing food in hot oil. The ideal temperature for frying is around 176 to 190 ° C. When we immerse food in oil at this temperature, the surface boils almost immediately and forms a kind of “seal” that the oil can not penetrate.

At the same time, the moisture in the food is converted to steam, and the food is cooked from the inside. The steam actually helps to keep the oil out of the food.

However, if the temperature of the oil is too low, the oil will pass into the food and make it greasy. On the other hand, if the temperature is too high, it can dry out the food and oxidize the oil. You can read more about this process in this article from the Journal of Lipid Science and Technology . Some oils can maintain higher temperatures than others.

The fats in oil

The higher the saturated fat content of an oil, the more stable it is when heated. This is why saturated and monounsaturated oils are the best for frying. This is also the reason why we should avoid oils that have a high polyunsaturated fat content.

The latter type of oil is not the best for deep frying. According to a study published in the Journal of Foodservice, it can have negative effects on your health.

The study argues that polyunsaturated fats contain two (or more) double bonds in the chemical structure. These double bonds normally react with oxygen and form harmful components when exposed to high temperatures. Of course, taste also means something here. In general, we prefer oils with a more neutral taste when frying food.

What is the best oil for deep frying?

What is the best oil for frying?

Coconut oil tends to be the healthiest oil for deep frying. According to a study in the Journal of Food Science and Technology, the quality does not deteriorate even after 8 hours of continuous deep frying at 180 ° C. More than 90% of the fatty acids in coconut oil are saturated, making it very resistant to high temperatures.

Saturated fats have a bad reputation for being unhealthy, but new studies, such as this one from the prestigious medical journal The Lancet , show that they are a completely harmless source of energy for humans.

In addition, coconut oil has many health benefits. For example, it can help kill harmful bacteria and viruses. A study in Lipid magazine found that coconut oil can even help you lose belly fat.

Remember that some varieties can give off a coconut taste or aroma, which is why you should try different brands to find the one you prefer.

Other options for deep frying

Animal fat

Animal fat also provides excellent frying opportunities. They include fats such as lard, tallow and frying fat. They have good taste and give a crispy texture.

Most of the fatty acids in animal fats are saturated and monounsaturated, making them very resistant to high temperatures. However, according to this study in the Nutrition Journal, the fatty acid content may vary depending on the animal’s diet.

Unlike animals raised on pasture or land, grain-fed animals can contain many more polyunsaturated fatty acids in the fat reserves.

In light of this, we should only consider the fat from naturally fed animals as a healthy alternative for deep frying. You can buy lard in a store or save on frying fat to use it later.

Other good options for deep frying to know about

Olive oil

Olive oil is one of the healthiest fats in the world

Olive oil is one of the healthiest fats in the world. It consists of large amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids, which have only a double link. In the case of saturated fats, monounsaturated fats are very resistant to heat.

According to the scientific journal Food and Chemical Toxicology  , you can use olive oil in a frying pan for more than 24 hours before it oxidizes.

In theory, this makes it a fantastic alternative to frying. However, the taste and aroma may not hold up as well when faced with long periods of high heat.

Avocado oil

The composition of avocado oil is similar to that of olive oil. Although it consists mainly of monounsaturated fats, it also has some saturated and polyunsaturated fats mixed in.

It has a significantly high smoking point (270 ° C) and a delicate walnut taste.

Peanut oil

Peanut oil has a high smoking point that is around 230 ° C.

Peanut oil has a high smoking point which is around 230 ° C.

It is very popular for deep frying due to its natural taste. In addition , it does not absorb the taste of the food, which gives the user many opportunities to fry different foods, according to a study from the Journal of Food Science

From a health point of view, however, peanut oil is not the best option. The polyunsaturated content is considerably high (approx. 32%), which also makes it vulnerable to high temperatures.

Palm oil

This oil contains mainly saturated and monounsaturated fats, which makes it a great alternative for frying.

People say that the taste of palm oil is quite neutral, especially the unrefined variety known as red palm oil.

However, there are many serious concerns about sustainability when harvesting palm oil, so it is recommended not to choose this variety.

Fats and oils that you should not use for deep frying

Fats and oils that you should not use for frying

There are several fats and oils that you should avoid using at all costs. These include industrial vegetable oils. These oils are derived from seeds and undergo aggressive treatment methods. A study in the Journal of Food Lipids shows that they contain many polyunsaturated fats and up to 4% of these fats are toxic trans fats.

Not only that, but a study from the Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry argues that the use of this type of oil for deep frying can lead to large amounts of oxidized fatty acids and harmful compounds. Avoid them like the plague.

To sum up, using the wrong oils for frying is terrible for your health. However, you can use the right oil, and you can enjoy a fried treat from time to time (homemade is the best option), completely without guilt!

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