What To Do If You Feel You Love Your Partner More Than They Love You

Have you ever thought that you loved your partner more than they loved you? How did it feel? This is a common situation that you really should not worry about. Ultimately, if you are together and happy, why worry and create a problem out of your own insecurities?

At times, it is common for you to feel that you love your partner more than they love you. How good is a “I love you much more than you love me”? Love should be balanced. But as you probably know, this is not always the case.

The person who loves more is at risk of being hurt. If this is you, you become aware that your love will not be returned to the same degree. This hurts and will make you reconsider your relationship. It is normal to hear a couple of jokes with each other and say things like “I love you the most”, and “No, I love YOU the most.” When will this joke become a reality?

It may seem like a small problem, but for many it is easy to feel offended if you are the one giving more. Unfortunately, this is a reality we must accept. Ultimately, since when are things always the same in a relationship?

You love your partner more and this makes you doubt yourself

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Some people see themselves as lucky by being the one who loves their partner more and by giving their all. But perhaps the competition that surrounds other parts of your life has invaded this as well. The point is that it is not a competition. It usually happens that you start asking questions about the love your partner confesses. If you become too obsessed with it, you may begin to see signs of “lack of love” in things that are just your imagination.

It is therefore important not to become obsessed. Accepting the situation will help you accept your partner as well. Remember that you love your partner for both their perfections and imperfections. Both are part of them.

If this is difficult for you, think about your relationship from a different point of view. Think about previous relationships you have had, or those that could have happened. Do you think that you will always be the one who gives more? You probably understand that the answer to that question is no. Every relationship is different and unique.

Communicate how you feel

If you are not feeling well with this “I love you much more than you love me”, it is a good idea for you to communicate it. The other person probably does not know how you feel or how you see the situation, and can help you see things in a different light.

Keeping it to yourself can undermine your relationship. You may feel upset because you are not receiving the same love or because you realize that you love your partner moreā€¦ But in fact, what you are doing wrong is in the communication area. Expressing your feelings out loud will make you realize that you can overreact. The longer you hold on to what you need to say, the more you will worry, and the greater your uncertainties.

Also think about the fact that if you are able to communicate something as deep as this to your partner, they can receive it with generosity and work to give everything they can so that you do not doubt their love. However, it is better not to trust this answer. It may not end up like this, but be aware that communication is the key to any relationship.

Be sure to make room

Rooms are very important. You may have the false belief that “I love you means I own you”, “I love you means to consume you” or “I love you means we do it all”. This can wear down and eventually ruin a relationship. Since you think you are the one who loves more, you will probably be with your partner all the time. That way, you will be ready for all the “tests of love” that can dispel your doubts.

But what you get can be the opposite of what you want. Your partner will be distant and feel overwhelmed, look after their own room, and these “tests” will not be passed as you hoped. Do you still wonder why they did not call? Why do you think they avoid you? Be careful, otherwise you will become addicted or controlling. Everyone needs their own room to breathe.

Have you ever thought that you love your partner more than they love you? How did it feel? This is a common situation that you really should not worry about. Ultimately, if you are together and happy, why worry and create a problem out of your own insecurities?

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