What Should You Eat And What Should You Avoid For A Healthy Breakfast?

A healthy breakfast should include foods high in protein, vitamins and minerals. In addition, if you decide to include a source of carbohydrates, the best option is grains such as oats.
What should you eat and what should you avoid for a healthy breakfast?

Breakfast is always recommended, as long as you eat it in a balanced way. For a healthy breakfast, you should eat foods with quality proteins as well as fruits that provide vitamins and antioxidants.  

What else should you keep in mind?

In this article, we will show you what constitutes a complete breakfast and what foods you should avoid for a healthy breakfast.

Good breakfast food

Your breakfast, like any other meal, should provide high quality protein. However, it is not very convenient to cook meat or fish early in the morning. For this reason, it is a more convenient option to include eggs or dairy products in the meal.

Contrary to many doctors’ beliefs, eating eggs does not affect the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, there is not a maximum recommended number of eggs you should eat per week, according to an article published in the review Ugeskrift for Laeger .

Dairy products are another source of quality protein you can include during breakfast. You should choose the whole options, since you avoid the loss of fat-soluble vitamins. In addition, it is important to avoid products with added sugar  as this can harm your health in the medium term.

On the other hand, your breakfast should contain at least one piece of fruit. It is always better to eat it whole instead of in a juice, since you will be able to benefit from the fiber this way. If you want foods high in carbohydrates , oats are the best option.

A healthy breakfast with oats with fruit on top.
Foods such as fruits, eggs and oats are good options for a healthy breakfast.

Food you should avoid for a healthy breakfast

You should keep traditional breakfasts with cakes or pastries out of your diet. Eating these foods produces an excessive amount of sugar and trans fat.

These nutrients cause a state of systemic inflammation that can cause health problems, according to a study published in 2017. In addition, we do not recommend eating chocolate or sugary cereals.

Another food you should avoid for a healthy breakfast is sausage. Although there are different types and qualities of sausage, they are usually processed products that contain many additives. Reducing the intake of these products can reduce the risk of developing certain diseases in the medium and long term.

Examples of healthy breakfasts

Furthermore, we will list some examples of healthy breakfasts to illustrate what we have mentioned so far. They are not the only options, but with these combinations you will be sure to hit the target for today’s first meal:

  • Oatmeal without sugar and with berries and coffee with milk.
  • Yogurt with a handful of dried fruit, an orange and tea.
  • Rice cakes with fresh cheese, turkey breast and a glass of milk with dark cocoa.
  • Oatmeal with peanut butter and blueberries and a black coffee.
  • Scrambled eggs with avocado, pineapple and tea.
  • Fresh cheese mixed with a handful of dried fruit, chopped strawberries and tea.

You can make different combinations of food, depending on your preferences. It is up to you whether you want to add carbohydrates or not. The best way to sweeten your meal is by adding chopped fruit or organic honey.

Hard-boiled eggs and a pepper mill.
Eggs contain protein and other beneficial nutrients. Therefore, we recommend them as a great alternative to breakfast.

Eat a healthy breakfast to start the day

If you include breakfast in your daily routine, make sure it consists of healthy foods. Otherwise, the best option may be periodic fasting.

To guarantee the quality of your breakfast, you need to include a high quality protein and a source of vitamins and antioxidants. In addition, you can benefit from including some foods with unsaturated fats such as omega-3.

Similarly, you should avoid industrial foods such as pastries or biscuits. They contain a lot of refined sugar and trans fats that damage your health in the medium and long term. These products promote systemic inflammation while promoting weight gain and fat.

Finally, it is important to mention that you should generally follow a good diet with plenty of water and regular physical exercise. That way, you will improve your physical health and ensure that your metabolism works well.

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