What Is Superwoman Syndrome?

Superwoman syndrome occurs in women who think they are able to do anything without asking for help. Over time, it can lead to feelings of frustration, disappointment and stress. How can we fight it? Read on to find the answer!
What is superwoman syndrome?

Have you heard of superwoman syndrome ? Well, it is quite common in women who play the role of Wonder Woman and can complete a thousand tasks without showing fatigue.

Before we tell you more about it, it is important to clarify that this syndrome does not currently appear in any diagnostic manuals, there is no disorder and it does not have an official recognition from the medical community.

So, why do we talk about this topic more and more every day?

The answer is that the number of women who are like this is increasing. The problem has therefore received a lot of attention.

What is superwoman syndrome?

Tired woman
In their zeal to make everything perfect, women with superwoman syndrome tend to be burnt out and suffer from constant emotional exhaustion.

Like the superman complex, superwomen act as if everyone around them is incompetent. In other words, they are the only ones who can complete the tasks properly.

These women also tend to demand a lot of themselves, so they behave like any superhero would. They are strong, they seem invincible and they seem to have the power to fight anything.

However, it is necessary to clarify that this syndrome, far from being a completely positive thing, can easily cause emotional exhaustion as some studies associate it with stressors.

Therefore, as described in research on the subject, these women may experience guilt, chronic fatigue, ruminating thoughts and even anxiety and depression when they are no longer able to meet their own expectations.

Before experiencing these negative symptoms, it is therefore best to practice some self-reflection to make sure that you do not suffer from superwoman syndrome . While it may seem like a positive thing, it can have some very damaging consequences over time.

How are women with superwoman syndrome ?

Overall, the following are the most prominent features:

  • They prefer individual tasks and do not work well in groups.
  • They never delegate responsibility. On the contrary, they feel proud when they achieve things themselves.
  • They never ask for help, even in the worst moments.
  • Their ego is elevated.
  • They are usually proud women who never show signs of weakness.
  • They accept all the tasks assigned to them at work, even if they are about to collapse or experience an emotional crisis.
  • They feel that they will be seen as weak or helpless if they ask for help.

Are there any benefits to being a superwoman?

Unfortunately, some women – and parts of society – find it beneficial to be a superwoman. This is usually due to the following reasons:

  • A sense of strength and intelligence.
  • It is gratifying that others praise all the things she can do.
  • It feels good to be able to help others.
  • Improved self-confidence and motivation.

Of course, those around the woman also feel good sometimes, since she makes their lives easier by taking care of everything! However, this also has many disadvantages.

What are the disadvantages of being a superwoman?

Exhausted woman
In addition to mental exhaustion, women with this syndrome may experience feelings of abandonment and frustration.

If you can identify with superwoman syndrome , it is very important to know that this lifestyle can lead to many dangers, for example:

  • Always being available to others causes you to lose focus on your own work.
  • You may experience frustration because your strength and attention are focused on others.
  • You feel drained of all energy, especially towards the end of the day.
  • You may feel anger towards yourself or notice an underlying feeling of abandonment.
  • To be left with little time for yourself after helping others.
  • You feel disappointed when people do not appreciate your efforts.

All of these things, if they are prolonged and combined with stress, can lead to significant mental problems such as anxiety and depression.

How do you know if you are suffering from superwoman syndrome ?

If you have any of these symptoms you may suffer from this syndrome:

  • Stress.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • You do not feel relaxed often.
  • Your goals are very demanding or impossible to achieve.
  • An inability to say “no” when assigned a task.
  • Anxiety about wanting to achieve everything.

If you discover any of these characteristics, you should work towards improving your own well-being. That is, trying to change this pattern of harmful behavior.

How to treat superwoman syndrome

  • Acknowledge that you are human. The truth is that you are far from a superhero. You have to accept that you simply cannot do everything alone. By doing so, you risk getting sick.
  • Forget your impulses to control everything. No matter how hard you try, things will not always work out the way you want them to. You have to leave room for uncertainty and for things to happen by themselves.
  • Remember that everyone is responsible for their own lives. Wanting to help others is fine, but it does hurt when you do everything for them.
  • Learn to delegate. Others can also perform tasks, and they can perform them well. Do not act as if other people are incompetent. This will only limit their potential to grow.
  • Ask for help if you need it. Getting a little extra support and guidance from a therapist or psychologist works wonders for many people, no matter what the cause. If you feel you need a little extra support, do not hesitate to ask for it.

Follow these guidelines and you will be amazed at your potential to experience tranquility. Focus on yourself and start prioritizing. It is possible to achieve a better quality of life.

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