What Are The Symptoms Of Agoraphobia?

Agoraphobia causes anxiety crises in certain basic situations in life and can cause both psychological and physical symptoms. In this article, we explain all about it.
What are the symptoms of agoraphobia?

Many different entities have taken on the task of explaining the symptoms of agoraphobia. However, they have all found that it is a rather complex disease that each person can experience in different ways. If we had to classify it , it would have been under anxiety disorders.

People who suffer from it experience anxiety or excessive fear of places or situations where they feel defenseless, trapped or embarrassed. This can include open areas, very crowded places or public transport.

The problem here is that the symptoms of agoraphobia vary greatly, and the phobias can sometimes overlap. In this article we will explain the most common manifestations.

The symptoms of agoraphobia according to DSM-5

DSM-5 is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , updated in 2013. It is the tool that psychologists and psychiatrists usually use to identify various diseases and conditions. According to this manual, the most common symptoms of agoraphobia are the following:

  • A feeling of anxiety in places where it can be difficult or embarrassing to try to leave. These people are usually afraid of suffering from an anxiety attack, and even worse, suffering from an anxiety attack in a place they will not be able to get help. As a result, crowded places outside the home cause a lot of distress, such as public transportation or grocery stores.
  • This fear means that an evasive pattern of behavior often develops. If someone experiences anxiety when traveling by bus, for example, they will avoid buses altogether. They will change their habits for fear of experiencing an anxiety attack when traveling by bus again.
  • In order to give a definitive diagnosis of agoraphobia, the anxiety attacks should be frequent or have caused a feeling of intense worry or fear. By this we mean that the person is afraid of suffering from another seizure and changes his behavior from that moment as a result.

At this point, we should also mention that other mental disorders must be ruled out in order to establish an accurate diagnosis. The reason for this is that certain specific phobias, such as social phobia, are often confused with agoraphobia.

anxious man
A panic attack is a form of presentation of agoraphobia.

The symptoms of agoraphobia: Some examples

As we mentioned above, the symptoms of agoraphobia vary from person to person. This disorder often causes a feeling of fear of open spaces, especially when one is alone. However, it can also occur in closed places, such as in the theater or cinema.

Another thing that is also quite characteristic of agoraphobia is the fear of experiencing an embarrassing situation. The patient is afraid of what would have happened if they fell to the ground or experienced an anxiety attack in front of other people. This fear tends to be very intense and extreme.

The problem here is that all of this ends up affecting every area of ​​the person’s life. As we have already mentioned, an avoidant pattern of behavior will arise.

For example, if they are afraid to take public transportation to go to work or a leisure activity, this pattern of behavior will begin to affect how they act and react as well as prevent them from participating in all kinds of activities.

Other considerations about agoraphobia

According to an article published in the journal Professional Pharmacy , the symptoms of agoraphobia usually occur in their late teens or early adulthood. Most of these people seek refuge more and more in their homes and only leave home when they see it as absolutely necessary.

If this disorder is not treated in time, it ends up becoming chronic and begins to feed on its own, which becomes very disabling. We must remember that it is, after all, a panic disorder, so it is therefore followed by physical symptoms.

An article published in the Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology explains that the heart rate is accelerated and the person may experience a feeling of suffocation when a crisis occurs. They start sweating and they experience a pressure in the chest.

In extreme cases , this can lead to dizziness and fainting. The anxiety that is experienced makes the person feel that they have lost control. This can also cause a fear of death.

Panicked woman
Agoraphobia has a number of symptoms, including an avoidance behavior to avoid certain places.

Do not forget about agoraphobia and its symptoms

We must remember that agoraphobia is a complex disorder that can manifest itself in many different ways. These people are afraid of specific situations, such as using public transport or going to places where they feel they will not get help in the event of a crisis.

It is therefore important that they receive appropriate psychological support and treatment. Otherwise, the disease will become chronic and end up defining and controlling their lives. This will prevent them from maintaining a normal daily routine.

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