What Are Electromagnetic Fields And How Are You Affected?

The fields are formed due to the electricity from the devices you have in use. From TV antennas or radios, telephones or X-ray machines, to all types of electrical appliances. If you look around, you will see that there are electrical appliances everywhere.
What are electromagnetic fields and how are you affected?

Computers, cell phones, headphones, microwaves, wifi and so on. All the devices you use every day, which make your life easier, also generate electromagnetic fields around you. These fields have a negative effect on your health, and can lead to problems such as insomnia, anxiety, allergies, dry skin and much more.

We will explain to you what these fields are, how they affect you, and how you can avoid them, so that you can continue to use your technical gadgets without endangering your own health.

What are electromagnetic fields?

Now there are electromagnetic fields everywhere. Even if you do not have any electrical devices, the waves from the neighbor will reach you. Only those who live far away from other people, without cable or wireless connections, bypass. These fields are invisible to the human eye, which is probably why we do not attach any importance to them.


The fields are formed due to the electricity from the devices you have in use. From TV antennas or radios, telephones or X-ray machines, to all types of electrical appliances. If you look around, you will see that there are electrical appliances everywhere. When you plug something into an electrical outlet, electromagnetic fields are produced in the air around the appliance.

The more electricity the appliance needs, the larger fields are created. When you connect your computer to the internet, you see the number of wires that are connected. All of these create fields that come in contact with you.

It is also important to remember that there are also natural electromagnetic fields. These are created by the earth’s energy and can also affect your body. The tips in this article will also help you avoid these.

How do they affect you?

No long-term studies have yet been performed that can confirm all the negative effects that occur with continuous exposure to electromagnetic fields. This is despite the growing number of electrical devices that surround us in everyday life. In any case, it is often the case that people, who are surrounded by many electrical appliances throughout the day, notice it on the body. Many people who work in the office already feel the following problems on their body every day:

  • The problem with the nervous system: Depression, anxiety, irritability.
  • Insomnia.
  • Allergies.
  • Hypersensitivity.
  • Vision problems.
  • Dry Skin.
  • Concentration problems.
  • Migraine.
  • Stress.
  • Problems with pregnancy and fertility.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Arrhythmia.

Some studies also suggest that these electromagnetic fields can be carcinogenic in the long run.

How to avoid them?

The best solution is to live in the middle of nature, in an ecological house without any electricity. But this is not a solution that suits most people.


It is wise to try to avoid surrounding yourself with more electronic devices than is necessary. This is especially important in the rooms where you stay the most. There are some ways to get rid of this daily radiation :

  • Walk barefoot in sand or grass for at least an hour.
  • Squeeze a tree for fifteen minutes.
  • Lay a blanket of  natural sheepskin under the bed. It will act as insulation.
  • Buy products that insulate electromagnetic fields (for example, there are some for mobile phones).
  • Use copper as a natural insulation (clothes with copper wire, copper bracelets, and so on). Copper protects against these waves.

Do you want to try?

For those who are a little skeptical, we recommend a small experiment. Boil water in the microwave every day for a month. Take two plants. One you water with the water you have boiled, and then cooled, in the microwave. The other you water with tap water.

After a month you will see how the two have developed. It is quite possible that one has developed differently from the other, or perhaps it simply no longer lives.

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