Warning Signs Of Appendicitis

Although some of the symptoms may be confused with other disorders, it is very important to know how to identify them and act quickly to prevent the appendicitis from becoming a peritonitis.
Warning signs of appendicitis

The appendix is ​​a worm-like tube that is approx. 1 cm wide and 10-15 cm long. It is located at the beginning of the colon, in the lower abdomen in a region referred to as the lower right quadrant. Read about warning signs of appendicitis!

For a long time it was thought that this organ was useless as its function was not known beyond the health damage it caused when it became inflamed by appendicitis. However, several studies have discovered that the appendix contains a type of immunological function as it is part of the lymphatic system. A network of lymph nodes with special veins that transport lymph through the body.

The cause of inflammation in the appendix is ​​not known, but it is thought to be a result of stool blockages. A foreign object, or in rare cases, a tumor.

What is more worrying for health experts is that many are not aware of the warning signs of appendicitis. Which means that some cases are not detected until the disease has reached a very serious stage.

Remember that detecting the disease early is the key to treatment. We will share the most important warning signs with you in this article.

Warning signs of appendicitis

Pain around the navel

abdominal pain

One of the first symptoms experienced when the appendix is ​​inflamed is a strong feeling of pain around the navel. Or in the area known as the “mouth of the stomach”, which is often confused with common abdominal pain.

However, this pain is progressive, and it continues to the point where the patient will realize that this is not normal abdominal pain.

It is likely that the pain will intensify when you cough or put a light pressure on the area.

To check for appendicitis, apply light pressure to the painful area with your index and middle fingers for two minutes. If there is appendicitis you will probably feel pain or have to scream.

Go forward bent

When the appendicitis is acute, the person will usually move forward and not be able to move as normal. When you try to walk upright, the pain will intensify and give a warning that something is not right.

Most people with appendicitis prefer to rest in bed to relieve some of the pain.

Other tests consist of jumping or coughing to see if the pain intensifies. In fact, this is the first step doctors use to make a diagnosis.



Fever is the body’s immune response to various health problems,  and in this case it should be seen as a warning sign.

A normal body temperature is between 36 ° and 37.5 ° C. An increase in body temperature, along with the other symptoms, may be a sign that the appendix is ​​inflamed.

Nausea and vomiting

As the inflammation develops, the body shows more symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

However, as with the above case, both symptoms can also be the result of other health problems. This is the case with gastrointestinal diseases.

Changes in stool

Pain while going to the bathroom?  The late symptoms of appendicitis may include changes such as constipation or diarrhea due to an inflammation of the digestive tract.

Lack of appetite

lack of appetite

This symptom, in addition to the others we have already mentioned, may be a sign that something is happening in the appendix.

In general, affected people have problems eating normally, and the change can be so sudden that it will be obvious that it is not a stomach infection or virus.

What are the complications?

By ignoring these warning signs of appendicitis, you can contribute to the progression of the disease. And this can lead to a serious stage.

The worst complication is that the untreated inflammation can damage the organ, and the inflamed matter can cause peritonitis, which can be fatal.

It can also lead to the formation of a fistula, a tumor or an infection.

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