Two Diets To Accelerate Your Metabolism And Help You Lose Weight

If you want to speed up your metabolism, in addition to starting a low-fat diet, it is also important to combine this with regular physical activity to optimize the results.
Two diets to accelerate your metabolism and help you lose weight

One of the goals of a healthy eating plan is to accelerate your metabolism (metabolism) to fight excess weight. This group of processes is responsible for converting nutrients into energy sources, and ensuring that the body functions properly.

The speed of metabolism varies from person to person, depending on age and lifestyle. Although some have no problems, others need to look for solutions to “accelerate” it and prevent it from affecting weight and health.

Fortunately, there are many healthy diets today that help generate “drive” to lose weight without much difficulty. While some plans are too strict, there are also balanced options that provide interesting results.

In this article , we have collected 2 effective models that can be considered weekly as examples of the diet. Do you dare to try them? Give it a try!

Low fat diet to accelerate metabolism

Diet to accelerate metabolism

The reduced fat intake is one of the keys to fighting obesity. Although it is not practical to eliminate all fat sources from the diet, the reduced intake has many benefits when it comes to losing weight.

The main advantage of this type of diet is that it significantly reduces the amount of calories consumed. Along with exercise,  there are several ways to lose those extra pounds.

Breakfast options

  • Three almonds, a glass of orange juice (200 ml) and a slice of wholemeal bread.
  • A slice of wholemeal bread with fresh tomato, a cup of tea (250 ml) and a boiled egg.
  • A bowl of freshly chopped fruit and a glass of oatmeal in skim or vegetable milk (200 ml).

Morning snacks

  • A slice of wholemeal bread with ham or turkey.
  • A smoothie of red fruits or green vegetables.
  • A portion of gelatin.
Fruit salad to accelerate metabolism

Lunch options

  • A bowl of vegetable soup or consommé, a serving of chicken or fish (100 g) and steamed vegetables.
  • A fresh salad of lettuce and tomato, a chicken breast (150 g) and an apple or pear.
  • A green salad, a small portion of brown rice (50 g) and baked fish.

Afternoon snacks

  • A smoothie of green vegetables with chia seeds.
  • A piece of toast with natural avocado sauce and a cup of tea.
  • A glass of vegetable milk (200 ml) with wholemeal bread and a piece of turkey.

Dinner options

  • An egg omelette with lettuce leaves and tomato salad.
  • Baked vegetables and a piece of fried chicken or turkey breast (150 g).
  • A bowl of creamy vegetable soup.

Healthy diet to accelerate metabolism and lose weight

This detox food plan can be performed once a month to “accelerate” your metabolism when you have difficulty losing weight. Due to its characteristics  , it should not last longer than recommended.

Healthy salad

Breakfast options

  • A bowl of chopped melon, a boiled egg and a slice of wholemeal bread.
  • A cup of tea (250 ml) and a sandwich with wholemeal bread and fresh tomato.
  • A glass of green smoothie (200 ml) and two slices of wholemeal bread with olive oil.

Morning snacks

  • A glass of oatmeal prepared with vegetable milk (200 ml) and a handful of nuts (30 g).
  • A tortilla with chopped avocado.
  • A glass of pineapple juice (200 ml).

Lunch options

  • A green salad and fried chicken breast (150 g).
  • A plate of tuna salad with avocado.
  • A portion of grilled salmon (100 g) and mixed salad.

Afternoon snacks

  • Carrot and celery sticks.
  • One serving of nuts with a spoonful of honey (30 g).
  • A glass of parsley and green apple smoothie (200 ml).

Dinner options

  • A glass of pineapple juice (200 ml) and a portion of baked chicken breast (100 g).
  • A bowl of fat-free vegetable soup.
  • A portion of lemon salmon (150 g) and a fresh salad.

Final recommendations

  • To accelerate your metabolism, it is important to improve all aspects of your diet. It is not enough to keep it for one or two weeks: a balanced diet must be permanent.
  • The effect of eating is more noticeable when combined with regular physical exercise. Therefore, if the goal is to lose weight, it is wise to create an exercise plan that combines cardiovascular and strength activities.
  • It is also recommended to eat between five and six meals a day, in a quiet environment. Eating with distractions increases the feeling of anxiety in the hours after the main meals.

Do you dare to try these diets? Remember that the recommended plans are models for eating healthy. You can vary them with other foods, as long as you avoid exceeding the number of calories.

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