Try The Plank To Get Perfect Abdominal Muscles

When you try the plank for the first time, you do not last long. But it is important not to be discouraged. We must continue to do so, to endure longer and take advantage of all the benefits it gives us.
Try the plank to get perfect abdominal muscles

Do you know the plank to improve your exercise routines, and get perfect abdominal muscles?

Exercise is in the wind at the moment, and it is a new culture to take care of the body. Diet has become important for a large part of the population.

In this article, we want you to discover a new exercise, which allows you to show off your flat stomach, by doing the plank. This is a new method that has become popular in all gyms. You can also do it at home, without buying any equipment. Are you ready to try?

What is the plank?

Perfect abdominal muscles with the plank

The plank is a stationary exercise. The goal is to tighten the muscles using resistance. In this way , your muscle strength is strengthened.

In this isometric exercise, the muscles of the torso, abdomen, back, arms, and even hips and legs work. This is one of the basic exercises in any gym, since it is such a complete and easy exercise to perform.

It is important to emphasize that you can also do the plank to get perfect abdominal muscles at home.

How do you do that?

For the optimal result for the muscles being trained, it is very important to maintain the correct position.  If not, you will not get the results you were hoping for.

People who struggle with low back pain should be especially careful. They need to keep their stomachs as tight as possible when performing the exercise. It is also best that the exercise develops gradually. Start by doing the exercise for one minute first, and increase the length gradually, until you finally manage to persevere for five minutes.

Steps and tips to make the plank for perfect abdominal muscles

Perfect abdominal muscles with the plank
  • First, lie on the floor, face down.
  • Then bend your elbows at a ninety degree angle, just below your shoulders.
  • Then lift your body. Let your forearms and tips keep your weight up.
  • Your body should be perfectly straight, from head to toe.
  • You should tighten your abdomen throughout the exercise, without holding your breath.
  • Hold this position for as long as you can, or as long as you have decided.
  • It is recommended that you repeat this three or four times.

Benefits for the body

Doing the plank every day will no doubt help you stay in shape. This is because it:

It strengthens your abdominal muscles

The plank is a specific exercise for developing the abdominal muscles. Above all, it trains the sides and the lower abdomen, to help us flatten the abdomen. It is probably not so surprising that boxers often train with this method, because it affects the abdominal muscles directly.

It develops your back muscles

The plank strengthens all the muscles in the back, shoulders and neck. By strengthening the paravertebral muscles, the plates in the spine carry less weight.

It improves your posture

Perfect abdominal muscles with the plank

Doing the plank can significantly improve your posture, because doing it daily makes your back straighter. This exercise also helps prevent lumbago. And above all, it stabilizes the spine in the lower back, to prevent pain.

However, you need to keep in mind that it is essential to do so properly  and follow all the guidelines in order to avoid pain.

It strengthens your buttocks and legs

The gluteal muscles are another area that is getting stronger. You make your gluteal muscles and your hind thigh muscles bigger. Strong legs are also important for good posture.

It makes your arm muscles clearer

Maintaining your body weight strengthens your arms. This is how to avoid weak muscles and sagging fat, which women worry about when they reach a certain age.

In addition, you can achieve this without lifting weights, and without increasing muscle volume.

You can not deny that making the plank opens up a number of possibilities, to improve your physical shape. Give it a try!

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