True Love Respects Your Past

Open your eyes. Do not ignore the uncomfortable feeling you have, and look at the situation objectively to help yourself. True love fills us with joy and happiness, not pain and discomfort.
True love respects your past

When we face true love, we know that nothing that has happened in the past can affect the present . But if this is not the case, it is important to stop, because it will be detrimental to the relationship.

Many couples always look back to the past. This may be a time when they were not together, or maybe they were.

However, this can result in actions that ultimately ruin the relationship. Today we discuss some of them, and discover why this is not true love.

The past does not define your future

Lady walking along country road

If there is one thing that should be kept in mind in a relationship, it is that the mistakes remain in the past.

We have all made mistakes, and we learn from those mistakes. Therefore, there is no room for something that no longer exists.

However, if the past is very much in focus in the relationship, one of the most damaging things can happen: one can use the past as a weapon against the partner.

How many times in a discussion has someone said things like “Don’t you remember that you did too?”, Or, “Did you forget that you hurt me then…”?

We use what we know about the other person to defend ourselves, or justify our actions in a discussion. However, this damages the relationship and it is a dirty game to play.

Do we really forgive our partner and strive to build a relationship that is free from all annoyance ? What happens if we pull up things from the past? 

True love does not criticize how you were before

Worried lady hugging a man

True love we never criticize or judge your past, because if it does, if it always reminds you of something, it may try to manipulate and humiliate you.

There are many who throw out sentences like “It’s for your own good”, “You have to change”, “This way you are not going anywhere “, which shows that they do not fully accept their partner. 

Sometimes emotional dependence can prevent us from seeing all of this, or if we are dealing with an expert in manipulation.

Some people have a mask that works so well that falling in love can prevent us from looking past it.

To solve this we have to ask ourselves some questions: Am I ashamed of how I am? Do I want to be the way my partner wants me to be? Do I get a bad feeling from what they say?

If the answer is yes, then this is not true love, it is something else.

True love does not hurt

Bird pulling on lady's dress

The only way to find out if you are dealing with true love or not is to find out if it hurts.

By this we mean: Do you fill me with worries, do you stress, or are you unhappy?

At the moment this is experienced, it is important to assess the situation. Maybe they’re abusing you psychologically and you do not understand. Maybe your partner is manipulating you.

Sometimes it is difficult to accept that the person we love the most does not accept us, that they judge our past, criticize us for it, and try to change us.

Open your eyes. Do not ignore the uncomfortable feeling you have, and look at the situation objectively to help yourself. True love fills us with joy and happiness, not pain and discomfort.

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