Toxic Families: Disruptions They Can Cause

The problem with toxic families is that they end up dumping all their insecurities on the children, making them unable to see their own worth later.
Toxic families: Disruptions they can cause

You may be able to identify with many people who have had to deal with a toxic family, because toxic families are more common than you might think. Sometimes you will not even be aware of it when you find yourself completely immersed in it. It’s a complicated situation, a type of toxicity that you can not escape from, that you can not avoid. But did you know that toxic families can generate, or create, mental illness?

We need to take a deeper look at this.

Toxic families and mental health problems

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Family is very important. This is where children are educated and begin to acquire certain abilities to communicate with others. This is why it is not difficult to see how too much toxicity can create serious disorders if there is not a balance or healthy emotions available.

There are several types of families, but only destructive families with severe problems of being overprotective, or other conditions, can adversely affect young children. This will later lead to children suffering from mental disorders without fully understanding the cause of them.

That is why we are going to talk about some of the most interesting and real relationships between toxic families and these mental problems. Let’s take a look!

1. The pygmalion effect and its influence on children

The Pygmalion effect is simply the roles that children use in that they are influenced by their parents. This means that whatever a parent wants or fears for their children, the children will convert to their reality. This is why every time you tell them things like “you are so lazy” and “you have a bad personality”, it can seriously affect the child.

Families are still unaware of how much they affect children. They do not realize that everything they say and do can be adopted by the child at a later date. In some ways, this pollutes their behavior.

2. Mortal love


It is a phrase that many parents or families say to their children: “No one can love you more than we do.” If they take this literally, it may cause them to feel that, even though they feel very loved by the family, they do not deserve to be loved any more than that.

The big problem with this is that it usually makes them quiet in the most extreme situations, such as emotional abuse or mistreatment.

It is important to know that family love can be unhealthy, which is why you need to question it. Families are not good just because they are your family. Sometimes they are very toxic.

3. Overprotective parents

Overprotection can lead to problems such as emotional dependence, which means that the youngest children will continue to struggle with it even in their adult years. That is why it is important to maintain a balance, and that you never get to the point that there is overprotection.

Do you want insecure children? Do you want to raise someone who does not have self-confidence? Because this is what overprotection leads to, along with other serious emotional issues that are not so easy to fix.  Everything that happens in childhood affects us.

4. Projected desires and uncertainty

How many times have you seen a couple who have a crisis put children in the middle of it? Even if you will not admit it, our problems will often absorb so much of us, that we overlook the children in the house, which really affects everyone.

Many families also release their frustrations and insecurities on their children, which puts them under a lot of pressure. Pressure they should not feel !! They are not responsible for problems between adults.


All of these situations can lead to depression, limited personality disorders, situations of addiction, and a variety of other psychoses that become very complicated and difficult in one’s adult life.

Have you been involved in a toxic family? What problems did it cause you to have? We can not choose our family, but at least we can choose to be aware of the problems in it, to prevent us from repeating the same story with our own children.

So think a little more about it; your problems are no more important than theirs.

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