Top 6 Foods To Increase Good Cholesterol (HDL)

Are you worried about your cardiovascular health? If you are looking for natural ways to keep your cholesterol levels under control, look no further than this article.
Top 6 Foods to Raise Good Cholesterol (HDL)

High-density lipoproteins, also known as good cholesterol (HDL), are fats that help remove excess bad cholesterol (LDL) that has built up in the arteries.

In this article, we tell you all about the six best foods to raise good cholesterol.

Clipboard on a doctor's table with a paper about cholesterol

This type of cholesterol is rich in phospholipids, which attract particles of fat and cholesterol into the arteries and prevent the formation of harmful plaque.

Recommended levels of good cholesterol are between 40 and 60 mg / dl. Unlike other lipids , this type of cholesterol does not pose a health risk if you exceed this amount moderately.

Benefits of good cholesterol

Getting plenty of the good cholesterol in your diet can have important benefits for your cardiovascular health. Some of the main benefits include that it helps to:

  • remove bad cholesterol (LDL) that builds up in the arteries
  • fight atherosclerosis
  • prevent heart disease
  • prevent heart attack and stroke
  • Let your body produce vitamin D and bile. Bile facilitates the digestion of the food you eat

Foods that increase good cholesterol (HDL)

Overall, eating foods rich in monounsaturated fatty acids can help increase good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Before we tell you what foods are, however, it is important to note that you may need to make some changes to your diet. This is especially true if you already eat a lot of foods that are high in trans fat and cholesterol.

Here are some foods that can help:

1. Nuts

Bowl of nuts on a table, nuts increase the good cholesterol

Walnuts, almonds and other varieties of nuts contain moderate doses of omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber, two important nutrients that increase and improve the absorption of good cholesterol (HDL).

  • It is a good idea to eat around seven nuts a day, either as a snack or added to breakfast.

Legumes are good for good cholesterol

Healthy legumes such as lentils, chickpeas and beans have a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids and lecithin. These increase the good cholesterol and reduce the bad.

  • Ideally, you should add them to your diet three times a week. However, you can eat legumes in small portions every day.

3. Olive oil

Eating olive oil to raise the good cholesterol

Extra virgin olive oil that has not been subjected to refining processes contains monounsaturated fatty acids that help control cholesterol levels.

Its compounds prevent oxidation of lipids in the arteries and improve the production of good cholesterol to prevent plaque formation.

  • Two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil a day is enough to get the benefits.
  • You can consume it alone, with a little lemon juice, or add it to a dish.

4. Carrots

Vegetables are generally very beneficial when it comes to raising good cholesterol levels. However, carrots stand out, thanks to their beta-carotene, fiber, vitamin and mineral content.

Taken together, these nutrients help cleanse the blood and promote the transport of bad cholesterol from the tissues to the liver. This simplifies the removal.

  • You can have carrots in salads, juices or smoothies.
  • It is best to eat carrots at least three times a week.

5. Avocados contribute to the good cholesterol

Avocado lies on a table

The nutrients in avocados are excellent for your cardiovascular health.

They have omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, vitamin E and amino acids that work together to improve liver function. In addition, they optimize the use of HDL in the blood.

Regular consumption of avocados improves the production of prostaglandins. These are substances that have vasodilating and anti-inflammatory effects that help to improve circulation.

  • You can eat an avocado alone or add them to salads and smoothies.
  • Include avocados in your diet at least three times a week for best results.

6. Whole grains

A variety of whole grains

Whole grains have large amounts of fiber, fatty acids and antioxidants that keep cholesterol levels within a healthy range.

Oats, brown rice and rye flour promote an increase in HDL and help your body eliminate bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

  • We recommend that you eat whole grains every day as part of the main meal or as a snack.

Are you worried about your cardiovascular health? Do you want to keep your cholesterol levels under control?

Remember to eat these foods to increase your good cholesterol levels. You should also avoid refined and processed foods, as well as foods that increase your bad cholesterol levels.

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