Tips For Avoiding Fluid Retention

Diuretic tea is the best option to remove excess fluid from your body. It helps eliminate toxins and reduce the typical swellings.
Tips to avoid fluid retention

There are many reasons why you may experience swollen hands or legs: a long day at work, because you are overweight, when you are pregnant, if you have a high salt intake. If you suffer from this problem, you should know that there is a solution to this condition that is caused by fluid retention. Read our tips to avoid fluid retention.

Why do people suffer from fluid retention?

There are several different causes of fluid retention, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Bad eating habits
  • Overweight
  • High salt intake
  • Hormone changes
  • Menopause
  • Stress
  • Circulatory problems
  • Too low water intake

When the body notices that you are not getting enough water, its defense mechanism is that it retains the fluid that is already present. It’s almost like closing a door to prevent water from escaping.

There is no doubt that you are aware that your body needs fluids to perform all of its vital functions. This is why you need to introduce water from the outside.

This is why we have said “drink two liters of water a day” a million times. Maybe you thought two liters sounded a little too much, but it’s not. Absolutely not.

2-swollen ankles

When you have fluid retention, there is a good chance that there are more serious underlying problems that are causing it, which needs attention. Be sure to consult your doctor and try to cut out unhealthy habits.

The best ways to avoid fluid retention

The first step is to understand why you suffer from fluid retention and to be aware of where it affects your body. In most cases, you will notice swelling in:

  • Hands
  • Bena
  • The ankles
  • The feet
3-compression sock

To avoid fluid retention, which has more to say than just what it looks like, because it is also a health problem, you need to have a healthier lifestyle.

Check out the following tips:

Increase your intake of foods with a high water content

Include fruits such as oranges, apples, pears, peaches and blueberries, which are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, in your diet.

Get exercise to improve circulation

To promote blood circulation in the lower extremities, you can try exercises such as cycling, dancing, or hiking.

Drink eight glasses of water a day

You already know that at least two liters of water a day are needed for the body to function properly.

Reduce your salt intake

If it is too much to ask you to completely stop eating salt, you should try to choose Himalayan salt (pink salt). You can also use herbs, lemon juice and vinegar that can replace salt. The less salt you eat, the less you will have the salt shaker on the dinner table, which will  help you avoid the temptation.

Cut out processed foods

To avoid fluid retention, you should also avoid eating pre-packaged foods, as they are often filled with sodium which is hidden among their many ingredients. This includes breaded fish, sausages, and junk food in general.

Add plenty of protein to your daily diet

Do not forget that if your diet does not have enough protein, then the production of albumin will be reduced, which causes fluid to accumulate in tissues.

Sleep between seven and eight hours a day

Try to take breaks when you can, and do not sit in the same position for several hours. Whether you are standing or sitting at work, you should change your position as often as you can. Sleep and relaxation are important to prevent fluid retention in the legs, ankles and feet.

Drink herbal teas that are diuretic

There are many herbs that can be helpful if you do not like the taste of water or are not used to drinking a lot of it. Natural teas will give your body the fluid you need without it becoming boring to you.

Do not wear tight clothing

This is especially important if you spend a lot of time sitting. If you fly somewhere , you can choose compression stockings for when you travel.  Or maybe you want to wear them on a daily basis to work to take the pressure off your ankles.

These socks are great for avoiding fluid retention caused by circulatory problems.

Avoid processed and refined foods such as white flour and sugar

This also applies to drinking soft drinks and too much coffee. They remove the “extra” water from your body and stick to your muscle fibers.

Have variety in your diet

Always try to buy seasonal ingredients (fruits and vegetables). Make sure you get five servings a day. Include some low carb and sodium foods rich in animal or vegetable protein (potatoes, oats, soybeans).

These foods help your liver produce a substance that prevents fluid from building up along with your cell membranes.

Plants that help against fluid retention


Diuretic herbs can be used to treat this problem. You are probably wondering which are the best options for you. Here are the plants that are at the top of the list.


No herbs have better benefits against fluid retention. You should drink dandelion tea before lunch and dinner. It will also help eliminate toxins, improve digestion, and of course, remove the “extra” fluid.

Rapid plant

This is another plant you should have around the house. It helps promote the elimination of excess fluid through your urine, reduces swelling, facilitates the removal of fats and toxins, eliminates cellulite, and acts as a natural laxative. Drink up to two cups a day.

Green tea

Sure, you already know well what benefits green tea can have for your health. It burns more fat than anything else, it accelerates metabolism and helps eliminate toxins. It also fights against fluid retention!

In addition, green tea is often recommended for people trying to lose weight.

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