Tips And Home Media Against Snoring

Whatever the cause, snoring can be very annoying to people around you who have to endure it. In this article you will get good tips against snoring.
Tips and home remedies against snoring

An estimated 45% of all adults snore at least occasionally. Snoring occurs when the tongue, palate and uvula vibrate against the tonsils and lymph nodes. In general, snoring is a sign that you may be overweight or obese. It is also associated with colds, allergies, smoking or if you drink too much alcohol before going to bed.

Whatever the cause, snoring can be very annoying to people around you who have to endure it. In addition, most people who snore suffer from poor sleep quality because they are waking themselves up several times during the night.

Although it is difficult to stop snoring when it happens at a particular time, there are some natural ways to help alleviate this problem. If you find that you snore on a regular basis, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor and rule out any problems you may have with your airways.

Tips for snoring

  • Sleep on your side: When you sleep on your back, your tongue and palate fall towards the back of your throat, which blocks your airways and causes you to snore. If you are not able to sleep on the side, some tricks can help, including sleeping with a tennis ball behind you. If you start to turn over on your back, the ball will be uncomfortable enough to make you turn back to the side.
  • Use extra pillows: Try sleeping with extra pillows to make your head higher than the rest of your body. This keeps the airways open and prevents snoring.
  • Lose weight: If you are overweight or obese, it is important to consider all the options for weight loss if you really want to stop snoring. Being overweight leads to a number of health problems, and it is an important reason why snoring occurs.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking irritates and causes the upper respiratory tract to swell, causing you to snore more heavily. Avoiding cigarettes is a good decision when it comes to stopping snoring and improving your overall quality of life.
  • Avoid alcohol before bedtime:  Drinking during the last three hours before going to bed can cause your tongue, tonsils, and palate to relax, causing a high vibration every time you breathe while sleeping.

Effective remedies for snoring

  • Gargle with mint: When snoring is caused by a cold or an allergy, it is effective to gargle with mint before going to bed. To do this, drip a drop of peppermint oil into a glass of cold water and gargle it – do not swallow. Another option is to prepare mint tea and gargle with it.
  • Nettle tea: If snoring is caused by allergies or other respiratory problems, it is important to ventilate your bedroom and get rid of dust and dirt. It will also help to drink a cup of nettle tea that you make by putting a teaspoon of dried leaves in boiling water. Cover and let it soak for five minutes. Nettle is considered a natural antihistamine.
  • Onions: A classic way to combat snoring is by cutting an onion in half, lightly salting it and placing it on a plate near the headboard.
  • Salt and baking soda: This remedy helps to open the nose and respiratory tract when you have problems with snoring. You just need to mix a cup of water at room temperature with half a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda. Rinse your nostrils with this before going to bed.
  • Olive oil and wine glass: To make this natural remedy you need to put 50 grams of wine glass in a jar and top it with olive oil. Cover and store in a cool, dark place for two weeks, then apply it to the bridge of the nose, neck and neck before bedtime.
  • Exercise: In addition to helping you lose weight (another way to combat snoring), getting exercise is the key to reducing this irritation. Start by getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, and soon you will begin to see the difference.

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