Three Types Of Fruit To Eat In The Summer

Do you love fruits and vegetables? If so, you may be interested in today’s article. We tell you what kind of fruit you should eat in the summer.
Three types of fruit to eat in the summer

Fruits and vegetables are a must in a balanced diet. This is because they contain basic micronutrients and antioxidants that our body needs. In fact, both of these can help reduce the risk of developing complex diseases. In today’s article, we will take a look at the three types of fruit you should eat in the summer.

Note that eating seasonal fruits is a healthy habit. It is especially beneficial if the fruit comes straight from the tree and when it is fully ripe. This is because it is at this point that it has both the most flavor and the most nutrients. These nutrients help to develop functions in your body that will be positive for your health.

Three types of fruit to eat in the summer

Now we will describe the health benefits of eating these three fruits in the summer.

1. Red berries

These are at their best in the summer and have a high content of antioxidants. The anthocyanins they contain can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, something we can see in  research published in the journal Molecular Aspects of Medicine.

These fruits also contain other powerful antioxidants such as vitamin C. This nutrient is important for the formation of collagen, which is the richest protein in the body, as well as for modulating the immune system. Regular intake of this vitamin can reduce the incidence of colds.

The versatility of red berries is undeniable. In fact, you can eat them for yourself as a treat or have them in desserts. You can also freeze them and make smoothies or have them in oatmeal. However, you should remember that it is always best to eat them in their natural form, as this is the only way to take advantage of the fiber content.

Red berries
The best way to eat red berries is raw, due to the high fiber content.

2. Cantaloupe and watermelon

These melons consist of a significant amount of water. This is why they are good for reducing the risk of dehydration.

As you may know, dehydration is an extremely dangerous condition, especially in summer. In fact, it has been proven that it can be fatal in older people. This is because a heat wave can cause chaos among older and younger people.

Precisely because of this, you need to eat plenty of fruit which mainly consists of water, in addition to making sure you drink enough water. Cantaloupe and watermelon are good in this case, but it is not the only advantage they have. In fact, they also contain antioxidants that are important in preventing complex diseases.

Thanks to the refreshing properties, these fruits go well with any snack. You can also eat them as dessert after a heavy meal to improve digestion.

However, they are not recommended for those with diabetes or other metabolic problems. This is because they can be harmful in large quantities as they contain a significant amount of fructose.

3. Peaches – a fruit you should eat in the summer

Peaches are among the most popular types of fruit among children due to their sweet taste and texture. In fact, they are one of the most popular among people of all ages, although some of us are allergic to peach peel.

This fruit contains significant amounts of sugar and beta-carotene, according to research published in Voprosy Pitaniia. These nutrients have a marked antioxidant character and are essential in the prevention of macular degeneration and vision problems. They can even help protect you from inflammatory diseases of the liver.

As usual, it is best to eat them fresh, as this is when they contain the most fiber. This can reduce the incidence of intestinal problems, such as constipation. However, you can also have them in a shake or smoothie to give them a little extra flavor and color.

However, you should stay away from the processed types that come in sugar brine. This preservation method adds lots of sugar and can be detrimental to your metabolic health.

Watermelon contains lots of water and can keep you well hydrated in the summer.

Eat more fruit in the summer!

As you can see, it is important to eat fruit, especially in the summer. It is precisely because of this that we recommend that you include the three types we mentioned above in your diet. It’s a great way to get some extra nutrients.

Remember that it is always best to eat fruit in its natural state. This is the only way to assimilate the components and prevent high blood sugar peaks, which can be harmful to the pancreas. Of course, you can make a puree from them to sweeten a dessert, instead of using sugar, once in a while.

Finally, it is important to have a well-balanced diet, and this even applies to fruit. Therefore, try to consume local types and the fruit that is in season. This is the best way to take advantage of their organoleptic properties.

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