Three Turmeric Treatments For Your Skin

Turmeric continues to offer powerful benefits to your skin. Did you know that you can use it to avoid and alleviate several skin problems such as acne, aging caused by the sun, and patchy hair loss?
Three turmeric treatments for your skin

Did you know that some turmeric treatments can be good for your skin? This wonderful spice has many healing properties, which makes it an excellent preparation for countless ailments.

These turmeric treatments can be  a simple and natural way to treat acne, aging caused by the sun, and even alopecia areta (patchy hair loss).

Below you can learn how to prepare and use them, step by step.

What can turmeric treatments do for you?

Turmeric ( Curcuma longa ) is a spice that is very common in cooking in many cultures. In addition to standing out for its intense yellow color that gives a nice color to various recipes, it also has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. In addition, it helps prevent the spread of tumor cells.

Thanks to these wonderful properties, certain turmeric treatments can be an effective and natural way to treat several skin problems. The important element in these preparations is curcumin, which is the active ingredient in turmeric which is beneficial to us both internally and externally.

All in all, turmeric can be effective in treating some common ailments, such as:

  • Acne
  • Alopecia (patchy hair loss)
  • Atopic eczema
  • Aging caused by solar radiation
  • Itch
  • Psoriasis

Turmeric treatments you must not miss

1. Acne

Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, turmeric seems to be effective in treating acne.

The first of today’s turmeric treatments is used to treat acne, and is based on the spice’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Research confirms the  effectiveness of applying a cream made from turmeric strawberry extract. Such a cream especially helps against regular excess sebum secretion in people suffering from acne or other similar problems.


  • 1 teaspoon turmeric extract (5 ml)
  • ½ cup aloe vera gel (100 g)


To make this preparation,  mix both ingredients  until the turmeric is completely dissolved in the aloe vera gel.

This is what you do

  1. First of all, we recommend that you store the cream in the refrigerator. If it is cool, the soothing and anti-inflammatory properties will be improved.
  2. Apply it in the morning. Do this after washing and cleansing the skin.
  3. In addition, apply it before going to bed.
  4. If you do not like how it feels or looks, apply it only in the evening.

2. Aging caused by solar radiation

Aging caused by the sun  is when the skin has oxidized due to sun exposure.

Fortunately, to combat it and prevent premature aging, you can take advantage of antioxidants both internally and externally.

Therefore, you can have a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, in addition to applying turmeric topically. Another powerful antioxidant you can mix it with is vitamin E.


  • 1 teaspoon turmeric extract (5 ml)
  • 100 ml of vitamin E.


  • First, mix turmeric extract with vitamin E.
  • Store the mixture in a dark container in the refrigerator to avoid oxidation.

This is what you do

  • Apply the mixture all over your face using a gentle massage.
  • Let it work overnight and wash your face the next morning.

3. Alopecia

Man with patchy hair loss

Alopecia, or patchy hair loss, is a condition that significantly affects the self-esteem of men and women. Although in many cases it is difficult to stop it,  treatments with turmeric and other medicinal ingredients can help prevent or reduce it.


  • 2 teaspoons turmeric extract (10 ml)
  • 100 grams of aloe vera gel (1/2 cup)
  • 60 ml carrot juice (1/4 cup)
  • 60 ml almond oil (1/4 cup)


  • Start by mixing turmeric extract with aloe vera gel.
  • Add almond oil and continue whipping.
  • Finally, add the carrot juice and mix well in a blender so that everything is even.
  • Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

This is what you do

  • First, apply the treatment all over the scalp by massaging well.
  • Let it work for at least half an hour. If you have the opportunity, it is best to  let it work overnight. To do this, you can use a shower cap or a towel.
  • Use the treatment two or three times a week.

After reading this article, you now know about three effective turmeric treatments that can help you improve some skin problems. However, it is always  advisable to talk to a dermatologist  to find the best solution to the problems you are experiencing.

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