Three Ingredients For Your Hair

Cinnamon will repair damaged and dry hair, while promoting new hair growth. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it helps eliminate other problems such as dandruff and fungus.
Three ingredients for your hair

Having healthy and beautiful hair is really a challenge. Every day we need to take care of it to stimulate new growth, strengthen existing hair, and remove all buildup that accumulates through exposure to environmental toxins and hair products for your hair.

There are countless products and treatments on the market today that promise to improve the health of your hair, prevent hair loss, and strengthen your hair so that it looks full and thick. However, their effectiveness can vary from person to person, and many times these products do not live up to their many promises.

Many people are looking for alternative ways to repair and nourish their hair, without spending a fortune on commercial products.

Today we are going to share the recipe for a powerful hair treatment that uses only three ingredients, and which is guaranteed to improve how your hair feels and looks.

What three ingredients does the treatment for your hair consist of?

This natural option for spectacular hair takes advantage of the benefits of cinnamon and honey. For many years, the commercial hair care industry has used these two ingredients in its manufacturing processes.

The benefits of cinnamon

2-cinnamon sticks

Cinnamon is known for its pleasant aroma and fresh taste, which makes it ideal to include it in a variety of recipes and solutions to improve your overall health and prevent disease.

But what many do not know is that cinnamon is also stimulating for the capillaries which helps to increase hair growth. This is thanks to the cinnamon’s high content of enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants.

Among the many benefits of cinnamon you will find that:

  • Cleanses the scalp, which helps keep the hair follicles healthy
  • Has antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral properties  that prevent common problems such as dandruff and fungus, which bothers the scalp
  • Helps make hair shiny, especially for those with brown hair
  • Repairs damaged and dry hair

The benefits of honey


Honey is one of the most famous natural ingredients in the world. It is used for cooking, as a natural sweetener and in alternative medicine.

For many years, honey has also been included in certain beauty treatments, because it is moisturizing, antiseptic, and has antioxidants that can improve the health of your skin and hair.

The benefits of honey for your hair are that it:

  • Contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements that nourish, repair and protect the hair and scalp
  • Will stimulate hair growth naturally
  • Repairs and seals  split tips
  • Helps reduce dryness
  • Fights hair loss and strengthens the roots
  • Works as a natural conditioner

Treatment for beautiful hair

The combination of just three ingredients will provide a powerful treatment for the hair, which will accelerate the growth while repairing your hair and making it shine.

If you have noticed that your hair is dull, dry and lifeless lately, it is definitely time to give this amazing recipe a chance to revive it.


  • 3 tablespoons ground cinnamon (24 g)
  • 3 tablespoons honey (75 ml)
  • 5 or 6 tablespoons conditioner


  • Mix honey and cinnamon in a bowl until well blended
  • Add the recommended amount of conditioner and stir well

The amounts for this recipe are intended for people who have long hair, so if your hair is shorter you can probably divide this recipe into two applications.

How to use it

  • First, wash your hair thoroughly and separate it into layers using a comb.
  • Apply this mixture with a brush or comb. Be sure to cover your entire hair, but avoid applying it directly to the scalp, as it can cause irritation.
  • If it is lighter, apply it with your hands and rub it into your hair with a gentle massage.
  • For best results, cover your hair with a plastic bag and wrap it in a towel.
  • Let this treatment work for half an hour, then remove the towel and just leave the bag on for another three to four hours before rinsing it off.

Because this is a natural treatment, you need to repeat the treatment several times before you start to see results. You can use it once or twice a week.

This recipe works for all hair types, especially normal to oily hair. If your hair is very dry, you can choose to add a tablespoon of olive oil.

  • Note: During this treatment, someone may experience a slight tingling sensation. This is normal.

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