The Spine: How To Keep It Healthy With A Few Simple Steps

Your spine is the most important structure in your body with joints. Follow some of these tips to keep your spine healthy.
Spine: How to keep it healthy with a few simple steps

There is no doubt: your spine is an extremely important part of your body. Your spine supports you, keeps you standing and helps you move. That is why it is important that we treat it properly.

In the following article, we will learn some tips to keep your spine healthy.

Some information about your spine

Woman learns about the spine

Your spine is the most important structure in your body with joints. It starts at the skull and goes down to the top of the hips. This means that it extends over the entire back. Your spine is divided into 5 areas:

  • Cervical: seven vertebrae (C1 to C7)
  • Thorax: twelve vertebrae (T1 to T12)
  • Lumbar: five vertebrae (L1 to L5)
  • Sacred: five vertebrae (S1 to S5)
  • Coccyx: four or five vertebrae

All areas of the spine have a specific job, but overall they keep you upright, mobile and give you a good posture. And if that was not enough, your spine is the way the nervous system goes through.

How do you get a healthy spine?

If you want a healthy spine that does not hurt and does not create any problems, we will give you some practical advice:

Practice good posture.

The spine

Keep your back straight at all times. This can be when you are at work, during transport, on the couch or at school. By doing so, you can keep your spine healthy and well.

Correct your attitude right away. Tighten your stomach and hold it directly over your abdomen. Imagine that the back of your head is connected to a wire that pulls you upwards, and your spine must be straight because of this wire.

There are many techniques for maintaining good posture. They may involve using multiple pillows, using an ergonomic chair, placing a tray on the back of the chair, using a belt… the list goes on.

Either way, your shoulders should be slightly pulled back. They should not fall to the sides either.

When we have a bad posture, the nerves in the spine become “pinched”. This happens because the nerves go between the vertebrae. This not only causes pain, but also creates circulation problems and contributes to lack of energy.

Because of this, you probably have less energy, are more depressed, tired or in a bad mood if you often walk with a lean back.

Try to sit straight every time you are in front of a computer or at the desk. You can use a yellow note to remind yourself.


First of all, it is important to note that not all exercise is good for the back. The movements must help keep the back and abdominal muscles healthy, strong and toned. After all, these are the muscles that support the spine.

Abdominal, lumbar and low-impact exercises help you strengthen your spine when you relax it. You can also practice yoga, and the best exercise for back health is swimming.

Wash for 10 minutes a few times (at least once) a day.

Here’s a good way to stretch your back: first, keep your fingers together. Then push the top of the chest forward. This should make your back look a bit like a “C”. Extend your arms as far forward as you can. Repeat this exercise five times.

Avoid accumulating toxins.

There is a big relationship between what you eat and how your back feels. This goes beyond both posture and training.

It is important that you maintain a healthy diet that does not include problem foods. The problem food includes dishes that contain foods that are greasy, refined, full of sugar, fried and fast food.

All such foods cause you to store toxins around the spine. The toxins can then create complications and various types of discomfort.

Make sure you include healthy foods in your diet. Healthy foods include vegetable juices, dried fruits, almonds, oily fish such as salmon, raw fruits and drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day. This helps you get rid of toxins you have in your body.

Get rid of excess weight.

Avoid back pain

The majority of people with obesity have both back problems and back pain. This is because when you weigh more, your back needs to do more work to support your body. This causes tension in the spine and pain.

If you are very overweight, go on a diet to get rid of a few pounds.

Get localized massages.

When a specific area of ​​the body hurts, visit a masseur to treat the pain. But, keep in mind that you do not have to wait until the pain is too much to endure.

Some have weekly preventive massages. These massages can help tone the muscles in the back. They also relieve the tension in the back even though it just arose and is little to talk about.

Shiatsu, bioenergic massage and relaxation massage are the three most suggested. They tone the muscles around the vertebrae, get rid of accumulated toxins, and get rid of pressure on the spine.

Do not carry heavy objects.

If your job requires you to carry heavy objects, always wear a weight belt. If you occasionally have to lift heavy objects at home, be careful how you do it.

The best technique is to bend your knees, get your butt as close to the ground as possible, then grab what you are lifting as if you were giving it a hug.

Stretch your knees slightly and return to a standing position.

Take natural supplements.

Woman with back pain

There are several supplements you can take to help with your back. Among the most useful are magnesium, calcium, spirulina, brewer’s yeast, flaxseed and vegetable oils.

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