The Foods You Should Avoid If You Have Water In Your Body

Water in the body, or edema, is a very common problem caused by an unbalanced diet, being too sedentary and not drinking enough water. Learn about some foods you should avoid if you are bothered by water in your body.
The foods you should avoid if you have water in your body

Water in the body, or edema, is a very common problem caused by an unbalanced diet, being too sedentary and not drinking enough water.

Many times people think they have put on weight, but what has actually happened is that their body does not process fluids properly.

Today we are going to tell you what foods you should avoid if you have this problem.

When is there water in the body?

As a first step, you should know that water in the body involves an imbalance between the forces that regulate how fluids move in your body. Thus, this water accumulates in the tissues of the body.

If you can not remove the water, it accumulates in certain areas. The main factors that make the problem worse are:

  • Lots of sodium in your diet
  • Poor circulation due to you being too sedentary
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Lack of training

If you have problems with water in your body, you can easily recognize it, since you will see a weight gain and feel the swelling in different parts of your body (especially your legs and ankles).

You can test yourself by pressing on the skin for a few seconds. If there is a white mark that remains on the skin for a while after you have removed your finger, this may be due to  edema.

To prevent or reduce this fluid imbalance in your body, it is important to follow a diet low in sodium and increase your intake of diuretic foods and beverages (water, juices, vegetables, fruits, etc.).

It is also recommended to exercise at least twice a week.

Foods you should avoid if you have water in your body

When you have this problem, it is  not enough to just exercise. One must avoid consuming certain foods that tend to increase the amount of fluid in the body.

Here are some of these foods:

Alcoholic beverages

Even though you often go to the bathroom when you drink alcohol, a good amount of what you ingest will accumulate in your body (including sugar).

Alcohol triggers fluid retention in the stomach and legs.

One glass of wine per day is not a problem, but you should avoid too much beer or high-alcohol drinks several times per week.


Cured foods contain large amounts of sodium. Besides containing a lot of fat, they cause water in the body. When you eat cured meats, you create a “coating” on the walls of your blood vessels, which increases the risk of heart attack.

We can put very salty cheese in the same category. This is usually cheese that comes with cured meats on a plate, as well as sausage, smoked ham and bacon.

Regular snacks

Potato chips and other similar products contain a lot of salt which helps to improve the taste.

In addition, the addictive foods that we can not eat are just a serving of… We end up eating up the whole bag!

If you really want snacks, we recommend choosing sunflower seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables.

Refined sugar

Many of the products you find on store shelves today contain large amounts of sugar or sweeteners.

Just like with salt, if these components go into your body, the body cannot eliminate fluid properly and this can lead to bloating.

It is wise to reduce your consumption or look for more natural alternatives such as stevia, honey or cinnamon to flavor your food.

White flour

Those who follow a diet consisting of pasta, pizza, biscuits or bread are the ones who most likely suffer from water in the body and weight gain.

Refined flour has carbohydrates that build up in your body and do not allow your kidneys to function properly.

These compounds can increase the amount of water in the body by slowing down kidney function.  Choose whole wheat instead of white flour and reduce your intake as much as possible.

You will see results in no time.

do you want to know more? Read: 7 negative effects of refined flour

Manufactured products

Frozen foods and ready meals contain too much salt. This is because the food industry uses a lot of sodium to keep the products fresh and in good condition.

Few of us are aware of what this food actually contains, and these foods can contribute to fluid retention in the body.

Try to stick to homemade food, cook a little more food from scratch (even if it’s only a couple of times a week) and avoid the worst ready meals.

This can be difficult because many people’s “comfort food” falls into this category, but step by step you will be able to improve your diet. It is much easier than you think to cook from scratch.

Do not ask for the salt to be sent

Do not salt the food too much while cooking or at the table.

A good strategy is not to even put the salt shaker on the table. If it is not in front of you, it will be easier to avoid temptation.

Another option is to season the food with herbs, lemon juice or olive oil. It will be healthier and tastier, and you will reduce the risk of suffering from water in your body and other conditions.

What should I eat if I have water in my body?

In addition to reducing or avoiding the intake of the above foods, we recommend keeping the following foods in mind:

  • Water (8 to 12 cups a day)
  • Natural sweetener (stevia, agave)
  • Fruit ( watermelon, grapefruit)
  • Herbal tea (chamomile, green tea, mint)

Give it a try!

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