The Difficulty Of Moving On After A Breakup

Pain and suffering will depend a lot on how long you have been together. A broken relationship is easier to get over if it has only lasted for a few months, as opposed to if the relationship has lasted for many years.
The difficulty of moving on after a breakup

When a relationship ends, both parties must mourn. Sometimes we are not able to let go of our ex, and we are unable to move on, regardless of the reasons that led to the breakup.

In any case, it is important to know how to turn a new blade, even if we sometimes fail to do so for other types of problems.

Let go to allow yourself to move on

let go

Why is it so hard for us to let go of our ex and move on? Have we loved the person so much?

A relationship ends for reasons that both parties are aware of, but sometimes it is difficult to move on because you thought you were in love.

Sometimes you may have forced yourself to give the relationship a second try, but the problems you experienced earlier in the relationship recur and remain unresolved.

This leads to a new fracture, which is worse and more painful than the first.

Below we would like to share some reasons with you why you may not be able to let go of your ex after a breakup.

1. Emotional addiction

There are many people who suffer from emotional dependence, which is an inability to be able to live without being in a relationship. Sometimes this is a result of emotional deficiencies that they have had since childhood.

Emotional dependence causes us to be unable to separate from our partner. Even if we do not have another person, we replace the void with something else. If we are an addicted person, we therefore try to never be alone.

If you suffer from this problem, you do not realize that you do not love your partner. You just need him / her.

2. You do not like to lose

lost love

Let’s face it. No one likes to lose – at least not most. This means that being dumped was not part of the plans.

In addition, this idea is enhanced with the idea of ​​romantic love. When the relationship ends, we believe that life is over, everything just stops and nothing can continue.

Think about whether you are really in pain or whether it is your brain that makes you think you are in pain. Failure to look at the situation can lead to confusion about our emotions.

Do I not want to let my ex go because I love him / her, or because I’m in pain?

3. Out of the comfort zone

Many people may confuse the inability to let go of their ex with the fear of loneliness, but this goes much further. We are afraid of losing the comfortable state we were in, because change has always scared us.

Imagine this. You have lived with your partner for a long time, and changing all this is something you reject. You think you feel safe rejecting this change because you fear that everything will get worse if you let go.

But think about it. What are you afraid of?

Sometimes our fears are completely unfounded.

In many situations, we are forced to step out of our comfort zone. We do not like it, but when we do not have the opportunity to refuse, there are no other options.

4. Change can be good

Do not be afraid of change. Remember that it is best to go another way if the relationship went awry.

let go of the ex

Many times we do not want to let go of the ex because we do not feel comfortable facing life without the person who has been by our side for so long. This is called selfishness.

We must learn to let go, because only then can we move on. We also make a big mistake in our perception of romantic love : we believe that there is no life without our partner.

A broken relationship does not mean that your life is over – it just means that a chapter is over. But since when did a book have only one chapter?

Start by turning the pages and continue writing the book about your life. You still have many experiences to live.

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