The Benefits Of Thyme: Learn How To Use It

Are you aware of the many benefits of thyme? Find out everything you need to know about this plant and its uses in this article.
The benefits of thyme: Learn how to use it

There are countless benefits and uses for thyme. In fact, it is one of the most widely used spices in gastronomy due to its rich aroma and taste.

How many of the benefits of thyme are you aware of? In this article we will tell you about some of the properties of this plant and its uses that go far back in time. Read on.

About thyme

Thyme, also known as Thymus vulgaris , is a relative of common mint, and it is more than just a flavor enhancer. It thrives in warm climates, like a shrub with small purple flowers, and leaves that grow around the branches.

This type of plant is quite easy to find. You can find it in nurseries, herbal shops, grocery stores, and you can even grow it yourself, if you have a garden, because it requires little extra care to grow.

Although it is often used as a spice to add flavor and aroma to soups and even to season meat, you can get much more out of its nutritional properties.

Today we have decided to teach you how to get the most out of this plant. It has several functions, thanks to everything from fungicides and antimicrobial properties.

The benefits of thyme

1. It is a natural remedy for several ailments

The benefits of thyme: Learn how to use it
  • Thyme’s antibacterial and antiseptic properties make it an effective treatment for acne. This is because of the power it has when it comes to killing the bacteria that cause skin problems.
  • It is a great antiseptic that can eliminate microorganisms that cause infections. Therefore , it is recommended for people with pharyngitis and / or inflammation of the throat.
  • Thyme oil is also good for treating fungus on the skin, especially on the hands and feet. To do this, dip them in a solution of water and a few drops of thyme oil. Keep them there for at least 20 minutes.
  • In addition, it is a great treatment for anemia, because it contains iron. It also facilitates digestion, as it prevents stomach cramps, as well as the accumulation of gases that lead to pain. Drink thyme to take advantage of these benefits.
  • Finally, thyme is an excellent remedy for treating symptoms related to menstruation. This is because it reduces menstrual pain and the rest of the symptoms that come with it, such as headaches, body aches and fluid retention.

2. It is good for cooking

Thyme provides a delicious spice for countless dishes. Plus the leaves are great for decoration. It is also recommended as a spice to enhance the taste of soups, creams and stews.

For a long time, spices such as thyme have been used in preparations that require long soaking. This is because slow cooking of the leaves helps to get the most out of the oil, and improve the characteristic aroma. This method is one of the easiest ways to take advantage of the properties of thyme.

3. It is a natural fungicide

The benefits of thyme: Learn how to use it

This plant has a fungicidal, insecticidal and repellent effect, which mainly acts against the cabbage butterfly. In addition, it attracts bees and wasps. Meanwhile, red thyme essence has a curative and preventive action on crops that are affected by fungi and bacteria. You can find this plant in many places, so just sprinkle thyme over the affected areas.

After harvest, thyme prolongs the life of fruits and vegetables. The ionic activity of the extract makes it possible to penetrate into the cell wall of microorganisms, and then destroy them without affecting the plants.

This is a great, non-toxic way to treat plants and prevent pests.

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