The Alkaline Diet: Why Is It So Fashionable?

If you are going to start with an alkaline diet, it is important to do it gradually and not stop eating all sour foods at the same time. If you are not used to it, your body may suffer.
The alkaline diet: Why is it so fashionable?

Hippocrates once said,  “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.”  And this is what the alkaline diet is all about – turning your diet into a pleasant way to heal your body.

This diet plan  aims to reduce the intake of acidic foods  in favor of more alkaline foods. By doing this you can regulate the body’s pH level and maximize the power of the body’s internal organs.

In this competition between alkaline and acidic foods, the winners should be nuts and greens. Sugar and fat should be completely forgotten.

Adjust your pH level with your alkaline diet

The basic philosophy behind the alkaline diet says that when your cell environment is acidic, your body can suffer from diseases and poorer health. If this environment is more alkaline, the body will be much healthier.

  • There are 15 levels on the pH scale.
  • They go from 0 to 14, and 7 is neutral. Levels 0 to 6 are acidic and 8 to 14 are alkaline.

Keeping the pH level regulated is essential for bodily functions. In fact, it directly affects blood pressure, blood vessels and metabolic and respiratory processes.

The unbalanced human body

Tired woman

When your diet contains a lot of acidic foods, there are many possible consequences that you will regret in the years to come:

  • It will be more difficult to absorb minerals and nutrients.
  • Your cells stop producing energy.
  • Damaged cells will lose the ability to repair themselves.
  • The immune system will respond more slowly to diseases.
  • You will suffer from exhaustion and be more prone to illness.

Does society encourage acidosis?

With a constant stream of advertising, harmful foods are being promoted in many different ways.

Animal products have always been in commercials. Meat, chicken, eggs and dairy products, as well as flour and sugar, are very acidic. Fresh vegetables, on the other hand, do not get as much attention in advertisements.

And this is despite the fact that  an alkaline diet regenerates tissues and reduces inflammation. Furthermore, it returns all the minerals and nutrients that your body has been lacking.

You choose!

Products that cause an acidic pH level


There are many foods and products that trigger various diseases and gradually do harm to the body. For example,  many medications can increase acidity.

Some people choose sweeteners to avoid sugar, but these can also cause harm because they contain extremely high levels of acid. As we mentioned, the most acidic foods in general are: meat, cereals, legumes, chicken, fish and eggs.

As you can see, one of the best decisions you can make in your life is to choose to correct your pH imbalance.

The alkaline end of the pH scale

In the alkaline diet, you must first consume 80% alkaline foods. Once you have stabilized your pH levels and feel satisfied with the results, you can then maintain a balance with a mixture of 60-40.

The most common alkaline foods are:

  • Fruit
  • Green vegetables
  • Seed
  • Nuts
  • Spices and accessories

Four benefits of an alkaline diet

1. Anti-aging


By following this diet plan you will achieve a pH of 7.36 which will revitalize cells. With an acidic diet, these are broken down, and this accelerates the aging process.

2. More energy

The nutrients and minerals you get in this diet will  significantly improve your cell functions.

This is because minerals such as potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium are like a pure energy injection for your body.

Stronger immune system

If your body is acidic, your blood will be the perfect home for bacteria or viruses, and therefore for diseases.

If, on the other hand, your body is more alkaline, you will be much more resistant.

4. Ideal body weight


Although losing weight is not the main purpose of this diet, it does give results.

After you start doing that, you  burn fat fast and you can even achieve your ideal body size.

Tips for good a good alkaline diet

  • Start gradually: Getting rid of all acidic foods at once will have a negative impact. It should be a slow transition:  remember that you are starting a new lifestyle.
  • 80-20 distribution: Do not try to rush to see fast results, or just eat alkaline foods. Give yourself a treat once in a while, that’s fine. Make sure your plate consists of 80% alkaline food and 20% more acidic food.
  • Replace foods: Replace rice with whole grain rice or  quinoa.  There is an alkaline type of just about any traditional recipe.

Remember to always consult your doctor about your diet. And do not forget to exercise and have a good time!

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