The 6 Best Alkaline Foods On The Planet

Eating alkaline foods is essential for keeping your body balanced. An overly acidic body can lead to various health problems.
The 6 best alkaline foods on the planet

Did you know that the pH value in the blood should be balanced in order to prevent the development of serious diseases? Although you may ignore this, most of the disorders that affect our health are related to too much acid, which is due to poor nutrition. Read on to learn more about the best alkaline foods on the planet.

Unfortunately, stores are now crowded with lots of foods that create acid and are full of calories.

Refined grains, processed foods and red meat are just a small part of this long list of ingredients with these effects.

If you include stress and toxic substances released into the environment for all of this, it is not surprising that more and more people are getting sick or having some form of health problem.

Fortunately, you can balance the pH in your blood to prevent the negative effects. You do this by consuming these alkaline foods  that are rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients.

Because it is absolutely necessary that you include them in your diet, we will share 6 of the best foods you should keep in mind with you here today.

Some of the best alkaline foods

1. Spinach


One of the most complete foods available, from a nutritional perspective, is spinach. Spinach contains vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber that help in many of the body’s primary functions.

Just like other green foods, spinach is rich in chlorophyll, which is an alkalizing substance that is useful for our blood.

By eating spinach you will get:

  • Vitamins (A, C, B2, B9, E and K)
  • Minerals (manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron)
  • Dietary fiber

2. Kale

Kale is a vegetable in the cruciferous family. It stands out in alternative medicine for its ability to detoxify the body and reduce cholesterol.

It contains lots of antioxidants that prevent oxidative damage and the development of various types of cancer cells.

Although not as well known as other vegetables, it is one of the best alkaline foods.

In general, kale is a good source of:

  • Vitamins (A, C and K)
  • Glucosinolates
  • Chlorophyll
  • Minerals (potassium, zinc and iron)



The main benefits of cucumbers come from the fact that they are 95% water. This not only makes them one of the vegetables with the lowest calorie content, but it also makes them one of the most alkaline foods in nature.

Cucumbers contain important amounts of antioxidants such as lignans, which have been associated with the prevention of chronic diseases.

The best thing about them is that they are so versatile that they can be included in your diet in several different ways. This makes them a great starting point for an alkaline diet.

Some of the nutrients are:

  • Vitamins (A, C, K and B complex)
  • Minerals (magnesium, selenium, copper, potassium, iron and zinc)

4. Broccoli

For nutrition and health, everyone should include at least 4 servings of broccoli in their diet each week.

This vegetable is a source of chlorophyll, antioxidants and dietary fiber. These  reduce the acidity of the blood and excess toxins.

Broccoli is recommended to improve cardiovascular health, support the metabolic process, and to strengthen the immune system.

They are a good source of nutrients such as:

  • Vitamins (A, B2, B6, B9 and K)
  • Minerals (manganese, potassium, magnesium and calcium)
  • Protein

5. Avocado


Many people have excluded avocados from their diet because more than 85% of the calories in them come from fat.

But this is not wise, because they contain a type of healthy fat that, if eaten in the right amount, does not contribute to weight gain.

In fact, on the contrary – they help reduce cholesterol levels and increase high-density lipoproteins.

Their properties are that they reduce the acidity of the body and protect it from imbalances caused by the inflammatory process.

Avocados contain:

  • Dietary fiber
  • Vitamins (B5, B6, B9, C and K)
  • Potassium

6. Lemon

Due to the taste of citric acid, many people assume that lemons are part of the food group that creates acid in our body.

But that is actually wrong. Lemons are actually one of the most alkaline foods.

lemon has a pH of 9.0, which helps to alkalize the blood during digestion.

They are also an excellent source of:

  • Vitamins (A, C and E)
  • Minerals (potassium, iron, zinc and magnesium)
  • Dietary fiber
  • Antioxidants

The alkaline foods we have written about here are just some of the ones you can include in your diet to alkalize your body.

Try to include them in your diet several times a week. Use them to replace other foods that create acid in the body.

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