The 4 Best Facial Scrubs To Remove Dead Skin Cells

If your skin is very sensitive, be careful not to damage it with strong products. In the meantime, always remember to moisturize after exfoliation.
The 4 best facial scrubs to remove dead skin cells

Peeling is a type of exfoliation for the purpose of removing dead skin cells, to make the oxygenation process easier. This helps keep the skin soft and moist.

This type of treatment is popular in spas and beauty salons. This is not only because it is an easy way to clean the pores, but also because it prevents premature aging.

Peeling brings together ingredients with acids and antioxidants that regulate the skin’s pH,  which reduces the likelihood of blemishes.

In addition, some peels contain natural ingredients, which are perfect for nourishing a healthier face.

Fortunately, it does not cost much to experience the benefits of a facial peel. All you need is a few minutes a week to create the best facial scrubs in your own home.

Rejoice; they are amazing!

1. Facial peeling of milk, marigold and rose petals to remove dead skin cells

The 4 best facial scrubs to remove dead skin cells

With its special combination of mild ingredients, this facial peel is  ideal for people with sensitive skin, and is one of the best facial peels available.

It contains lactic acid, antioxidants and antibacterial compounds, which help remove impurities from your skin to keep acne away.

Applying this peel will stretch your skin and prevent wrinkles.


  • 2.5 dl whole milk
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons dry marigold (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons rose petals (20 g)


  • Put all the ingredients in a container and refrigerate for 24 hours.


  • After standing for 24 hours, remove the make-up and use the treatment.
  • If you want, smear it over the neck and chest as well.
  • Let it work for 20 minutes and rinse it off.
  • Repeat two to three times a week.

2. Facial peeling of almond flour, oats and honey

This facial peel combines ingredients with moisturizing and exfoliating properties. They remove dead skin cells, without disturbing the skin’s natural pH.

Frequent use will help prevent dark spots, while preventing blackheads and breakouts.


  • 1 1/2 tbsp almond flour (15 g)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons oatmeal (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons honey (50 g)


  • Put all the ingredients in a container until it becomes a thick cream.


  • Apply the mixture over the area you want to exfoliate, with  gentle, circular massaging movements.
  • Let it work for 15 minutes  and rinse it off.
  • Do it  twice a week.

3. Facial peeling of yogurt, rose petals and jojoba oil

Remove dead skin cells

This nutritious and moisturizing peel  removes dead skin cells, and helps with excessively dry skin. It is considered one of the best facial scrubs.

In addition, it stimulates cell regeneration and stops premature aging.


  • 3 tablespoons natural yogurt (60 g)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons rose petals (15 g)
  • 1 tbsp jojoba oil (15 g)


  • Put the yogurt in a container and mix with the rose petals and jojoba oil.
  • Cool for  two hours in the refrigerator.


  • First take a small amount of the mixture, and apply it with gentle massaging movements to your face.
  • Let it work for  20 to 30 minutes, then rinse it off.
  • Do it  at least once a week.

4. Facial peeling of aloe vera, coconut oil and sea salt

Remove dead skin cells with aloe vera

This wonderful, natural treatment combines various ingredients that  rehydrate your skin, while getting rid of dead skin cells and cleansing impurities.

Regular application will clean your pores and prevent dark spots.


  • 1 tablespoon:
    • Aloe vera gel (15 g)
    • Organic coconut oil (15 g)
    • Sea salt (10 g)


  • Put all the ingredients in a container and mix until it becomes a thick cream.


  • Apply the treatment over your skin and let it dry for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water, and repeat this twice a week.

Are you ready to pamper your skin with these natural facial scrubs? If you want your skin to look like new, make any of the above recipes and make them a habit.

Your skin will feel softer after the first application. But remember that you need to use them consistently to get the most out of them.

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