Tax The Liver And Cleanse The Blood With Beets

Beets contain vitamins A, B and C, while providing soluble fiber that controls blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and they regulate intestinal function
Charge the liver and cleanse the blood with beets

Beets are much more than a simple root vegetable. Deep inside their radiant purple hearts, there is a large supply of antioxidants and vitamins that are very beneficial to your health, which is why you should include them in your diet on a regular basis.

This medicinal plant is rich in fiber, protein and water. It provides energy and can be used to treat various types of ailments – especially any health problems associated with the liver. In today’s article we will discuss all the things that beets can do for you.

Beetroot, the liver’s best friend

Do you love beets? Is the refreshing, earthy taste already part of your weekly meal rotation? Do you prefer them raw or cooked with a little oil or salt? If the answer is yes, keep reading! When you have a problem with your liver, beets – which are readily available in stores and markets around the world – can be your best friend to help cure inflammation and remove toxins.

Pay attention to the following characteristics that beets have.

1. They are a treasure chest full of antioxidants

Beets are rich in beta-carotene, carotenoids, and flavonoids – all powerful antioxidants that give them their distinctive, attractive color. All foods rich in antioxidants are known to be effective in cleansing your liver, especially if you suffer from fatty liver disease.

In 2012, an interesting clinical study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which showed that patients with fatty liver disease showed significant improvements when treated with antioxidants. In particular, inflammation and the levels of fat in the liver were reduced. This is due in part to beta liner, a type of powerful antioxidant that is also very beneficial in preventing premature aging.

So do not hesitate: if there is one vegetable that is rich in antioxidants that you should eat on a regular basis, it is beets.

2. They increase metabolism and burn fat


Beets are a good choice when you want to lose weight. They are packed with a lot of energy, are satisfying, and are rich in fiber. So if you try to make a smoothie of beets before each meal, for example, you will get lots of nutrients while you will feel fuller, which will make you eat less between meals.

In addition, eating beets can help in these other areas:

  • They detoxify the body, and this is thanks to the high content of fiber, which helps prevent the accumulation of toxins and fluid retention, while improving digestion and preventing you from suffering from constipation. All this helps to improve liver function, by preventing the buildup of fats and other lipids that are stored in the cells of this important organ.
  • Beets help to increase metabolism, because they stimulate better function of the liver and digestive system.
  • Another benefit is that they optimize the function of the lymphatic system, which further helps to remove toxins from your body.

It is interesting to note that fatty liver disease can be reversed as long as you have a diet that is low in fat and rich in vitamins and minerals from fresh fruits and vegetables. Therefore, beets are an excellent choice when it comes to this.

3. Beets cleanse the blood, which takes care of the heart

This vegetable was used in ancient times to give “strength” to the blood, and to treat people in a state of convalescence. We summarize the good properties of beetroot for the blood in the following interesting anecdotes:

  • Beets are rich in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure.
  • Beetroot reduces the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).
  • They are high in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, folic acid and vitamins A, B and C. They are also packed with nutrients, literally, which strengthens blood flow  and promotes the removal of harmful substances.

How to use beets to take care of and detoxify the liver


The most beneficial way to use the properties of beets to heal and detoxify the liver, as well as purify the blood, is to consume them raw. Grate some beets and carrots to make a salad. When you add a few drops of olive oil and lemon juice, you have the ideal dish for your health.

Medicinal juice for your liver


  • 1 cup water (200 ml)
  • 1 medium beetroot
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 medium-sized apple

Here’s how to do it

Start by washing all the ingredients well. Then cut them into small pieces to make it easier for your blender to crush them. Make sure that both beetroot and carrot are raw, because this is when they contain the most nutrients.

Run all the ingredients in the blender until you get a smooth liquid, which you mix with the cup of water to dilute it. If you add a few ice cubes it will be even more refreshing and delicious.

When should you drink it? Half an hour before your main meal of the day. Just take one cup of this juice every day for five days to detoxify your liver. Rest for 10 days before starting the process again. You will get a delicious supply of nutrients that will do good for your health.

Do not miss it!

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