Tannagenesi: Types And Treatments

Tooth decay is a problem that many people suffer from. In this article you can find out what it is and how it is treated.
Dental genesis: Types and treatments

Tannagenesis is one of the most common malformations that manifests itself through the absence of one or more teeth. It is not caused by poor dental hygiene.

It is a congenital problem that usually manifests itself in several members of the same family. This problem, contrary to what we may think, does not affect all the teeth, but instead the front teeth and the front molars.

A quick diagnosis is important because  the sooner the problem is diagnosed, the sooner it can be treated. The treatments consist of replacing the missing teeth or correcting them. This will prevent the problem from getting worse and can therefore increase the patient’s self-confidence.

In this article, we share the causes, types and treatments for tannagenesis.

What are the causes of tannagenesis?

Although tannagenesis is usually an inherited condition, there are many other reasons why a person may develop this disease.

The most common  is a physical blockage or an interruption that does not allow the tooth to form properly. Thus, it may eventually fall out or be incomplete.

Not having enough space may be another reason why tannagenesis can manifest itself. Many patients have overlapping teeth due to lack of space.

However, those who suffer from tannagenesis may also suffer from problems with the development of their teeth, which means that their teeth may not form as they should. This means that some teeth never appear.

The different types of tannagenesis

Tooth decay is the absence or malformation of several teeth. Whether this affects all or just some of them, however, depends on certain factors. These range from the type of hereditary agenesis to how quickly the problem was diagnosed and the patient started treatment.

Here are the different types of agenesis:

  • Hypodontia is characterized by the absence of between 1 and 6 teeth.
  • Oligodontics is the absence of more than 6 teeth.
  • Anodontics are the most serious type and are characterized by a complete absence of all teeth.

Patients with hypodontics or oligodontics may have  missing teeth on one or both sides of the mouth. If they only have missing teeth on one side of their mouth, they suffer from unilateral agenesis. If, on the other hand, they have missing teeth on both sides, they have bilateral agenesis.

Available treatments

If you suspect you have dental genitals, you should go to the dentist for confirmation. Only then can you start treatment.

Here are some of the possible medical solutions:

Dental implants

Dental implants to treat tannagenesis

This is the most common treatment in case of tannagenesis.

Depending on the age, condition of the teeth, or the number of missing teeth, your dentist may decide that the best way to proceed is to insert dental implants.

This is a procedure that is usually performed when some teeth are damaged or have fallen out. An implant is  an artificial tooth that attaches to the gums. Dentists do this with a kind of screw that is implanted in the jawbone.

The dentist must carefully examine the condition of the gums to see if this treatment will give satisfactory results. Therefore, we recommend seeing a reliable professional.


Woman with braces

You can resort to this treatment if you suffer from hypodontia.

If you have hypodontics, you may be able to choose orthodontics, ie orthodontics, instead of dental implants. This treatment will help close the remaining gaps between your teeth  so that you do not have to get dental implants.

There is also the possibility of a partial prosthesis. However, this would be the last resort if none of the above treatments are possible.

To ensure the desired results, it is very important to choose a dentist who has already treated dentistry.

Do you know anyone who suffers from this problem? Do you suffer from it? As you have seen, there are treatments that can help you fix it as soon as possible, so listen to your dentist.

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