Studies Link Depression To Cancer

Studies have shown that depression can increase the risk of cancer. Still, do not let it worry you: Depression is also a sign that it is time to take better care of your mental and physical health, which can help you prevent a wide range of diseases and make you feel you better.
Studies link depression to cancer

Recent studies link depression to cancer and have found that people who have symptoms of depression for a long time are more likely to die of cancer.

Why is it like that?

Is there a link between depression and cancer?


Depression is the result of a complex interplay between social, psychological and biological factors. This can result in a number of changes at different stages in your life. However, when you suffer from depression over and over again, you can potentially aggravate other health factors. One of them may be cancer.

Evidence linking depression to cancer

Several studies have linked depression to cancer and a greater likelihood of suffering from different types of tumors.

In a study conducted in the UK, a clinical analysis of over 160,000 adults found that:

  • Many had repeated mental health problems.
  • Those who had these were more likely to die from cancer related to the pancreas, prostate or colon.

However, there is no evidence that the link is a direct cause and effect. The researchers made it very clear that this study only has statistically significant conclusions.

Other research on depression

These studies and more are associated with a good source of evidence that also indicates the same conclusion. The interplay between physical health and mental health has already been proven many times.

For example, there are clear signs of the relationship between the symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders and the incidence of cardiovascular disease.


Hormonal imbalances

The reason they link depression to cancer is caused by hormonal imbalances. After all, depression leads to a higher production of cortisol. This imbalance can lead to other health problems.

In addition , the body’s natural mechanisms for DNA repair are inhibited. This weakens your defenses against cancer. Another very important factor is that people who often have bouts of depression are more likely to drink more alcohol, use tobacco, and be obese.

As you know, these are three risk factors for cancer.

Psychological stress and depression

People experience mental stress when they are disturbed by mental, physical or emotional pressure. It’s not bad to feel a little stressed sometimes. However, suffering from it to a great extent for long periods of time or repeatedly can have serious consequences for your physical and mental health.

When episodes of stress occur, the body responds to the pressure by releasing cortisol. These hormones promote increases in your blood pressure. In addition , they increase the heart rate, and increase the concentration of sugar in your blood. While these changes may make it easier to get more energy to deal with stress, the reality is that they also come with certain health risks.

Excessive stress can lead to illness

Chronic stress that is both intense and over long periods can cause urinary problems, digestive problems and changes in fertility and immune system. In addition, those who have chronic stress are also more prone to common diseases.

This is the case with the flu, colds, headaches and sleep disorders. This is also the case with diseases that are the focus of this article: anxiety and depression.

Stress management and cancer screening

tired at the keyboard

People who have already been diagnosed with cancer must learn to control their mental stress and depression.

First of all, it is important to find emotional and social support. This can help reduce anxiety and alleviate the effects of depression and anxiety. In addition, it can help reduce or prevent other symptoms that occur when the body’s defenses are down.

Methods for dealing with stress and depression

Some mental techniques can really help fight stress and depression. This is the case with yoga, meditation, relaxation techniques, and even more. In addition, other treatments can help relieve your mental stress.

Overall, healthy habits, taking care of body and soul, eating healthy and getting enough sleep are very effective habits when it comes to fighting stress, depression, anxiety and other related diseases.


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