Some People Have Very Few Things, Only Money

What good is it to have millions in the bank if you have no loved ones to share and enjoy them with? You need to learn to prioritize and put each of them in place
Some people have very few things, just money

This sentence may surprise you. Of course, you need some kind of financial support to live. But money is not always synonymous with happiness. They are the ones who are poor when it comes to feelings, joy, friendship and love … all they have is just money.

This is a fact that you should reflect on. Because if you look closely, you will notice that many of your dreams may depend on having a bank account with many zeros behind a high number. But this is just money.

Whether you are the type of person who believes that only money can actually buy happiness. Or if you feel the exact opposite. We invite you to take a moment to think about these questions.

Money and the two faces of happiness

Whether you like it or not, this is something we will never agree on. Not us or psychologists, sociologists, or anthropologists. The discrepancy is so strong that there are studies that justify both approaches.

The money that buys happiness is not based on the number of things you own

This is the conclusion of a recent study conducted by the National Institute of Statistics in the UK. It is definitely a strange fact that is worth looking into.

  • According to the study, which was conducted over several years with people with high incomes, happiness is actually linked to having a good financial situation.
  • This means that people felt more satisfied when they could know that they had enough to pay rent or mortgage, or if they had a solid bank account. On the other hand, having multiple houses, cars, priceless antiques, or land was not related to happiness.

Experts tell us that this is due to the recent economic crisis that swept the world.

The security that comes with knowing you are “covered” in the event of a problem or incident. Gives you a greater sense of well-being than the accumulation of objects or properties.


According to psychologists, you are not happy if you only have money

Now for the other side of the coin. Groucho Marx once said, “There are many things in life that are more important than money, but they cost so much!”

Although it is true that a stable economic system is synonymous with well-being. And meeting the needs of yourself and your family, the key – as always – lies in balance and objectivity.

According to a study published by the University of British Columbia , money cannot buy you happiness for the following reasons:

  • At the very least, money can make you less sad. However , you must understand that sadness is not the opposite of happiness – it means that “he who is not sad is not necessarily happy”.
  • To understand this a little better, let’s look at a simple example. Think of a billionaire. He wakes up in the morning without too many tasks, and his only goal is to have fun and be distracted. He organizes a trip, has a party, and invites tons of people he may not even know. It will be a busy day where he does not have to think too much, and he may not want to be sad. There is no doubt that he wants to have fun and that someone will make him laugh, but that does not mean that he is happy.

There are people who every day are looking for a reason not to be sad or to feel lonely, but this does not necessarily mean that they are happy.

As the University of British Columbia found out, and psychologists also say, this is because a nicer house can reduce your daily sadness, but it will not necessarily bring you happiness. Happiness is discovered; it is not constructed.


Emotional well-being does not depend on money

Money can enable you to eat well, let yourself be distracted, let yourself have beautiful, exciting and incredible things… but whoever believes that this will nourish his heart is wrong.

  • Happiness lies in yourself and in the relationships you create with others, with the people you love.
  • Affection can not be bought, a child’s laughter can not be collected with coins, and dreams or shared special moments with a friend or your partner will not work with your checkbook – these come from feelings, from giving and receiving, from love and sincerity.

No one can deny the fact that money can change your life for the better, but it is not just about money.

But a long line of zeros behind a number will never fill an empty soul and give it the joy and peace that humble people with hardly anything show on a daily basis.

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