Single And Happy: Is It Possible?

It takes balance and personal maturity to form a relationship between two people where they both find emotional integrity and respect for themselves and each other. But let’s see how we can benefit from being single.
Single and happy: Is it possible?

Of course, it is possible to be single and happy, although some people equate happiness with being in a relationship. We assure you that being single offers many benefits, let’s explore this a little more closely.

The benefits of being single and happy

You probably know a single person who is desperate to find a partner. Maybe they perceive themselves as the quirky in society without a companion, that they are empty, and will not feel complete without having someone there to hold their hand every day. But the fact is that it is dangerous to associate happiness solely with having a boyfriend.

Some people do not know how they can be comfortable with just themselves, have their own balance, or experience growth that only comes from these times in our lives when we are single, without anyone by our side. Of course, having our “other half” by our side will make us happy and give us a sense of balance, but to have a partner and also be happy, it is important to first learn to love yourself.

It takes balance and personal maturity to form a relationship between two people where they both find emotional integrity and respect for themselves and each other. But let’s see how we can benefit from being single and happy.

1. Listen to yourself and get to know yourself better


Being single allows you to spend time with yourself and listen to your own needs more often. Use this time to reflect and become better acquainted with your own needs, what you like and dislike, and what you want most. 

Sometimes in a relationship, many people spend more time caring for the needs of others than their own. We put ourselves at the back and get burned out without realizing that unless something changes, the situation can become dangerous. Being single  and happy gives us time for ourselves. Be selfish and think for yourself. Take care of yourself, listen to your needs, find your own balance in being single. Learn to listen to and love yourself.

2. Time to grow as a person with time for yourself

lady writer

There are conditions that end traumatic and that is when our optimism and self-confidence are affected. This is a good time to get to know yourself, to grow, to heal your wounds and reorient your life.

Think about the type of person you want to be and define your boundaries and what is acceptable in an emotional relationship. Think about these things and enjoy yourself. Learn to love yourself and believe that you are the most amazing person in the world, and that being single brings you happiness.

3. Time for friends and hobbies


Few things are as satisfying as finding time for the things you love. Painting, learning a language, taking a course? Now is the time to do the things you love and enjoy the freedom. Sometimes, when we are in a relationship, we stop doing the things we love because we spend so much time with our companion.

Now you can do whatever you want without having to answer to anyone. You can get away with a trip with some friends or alone. Being single is not a bad thing. You are always the most important person in the world. Have fun with yourself, your friends, family, pets… And be single and happy.

4. Time to feel whole


Some people are under the impression that above and before anything else, you should find your “other half”. If we become obsessed with this idea, we will begin to see ourselves as incomplete. 

From this moment on, you should feel like you are a whole, healthy person. While you are enjoying yourself, you will meet the right person for you. Someone who deserves you will love you for who you are and you will be happy with. It does not have to be your other half. Any two people with the right combination of personalities, passions, virtues and shortcomings. Can form a stable and happy couple.

Until then, remember that you are always whole. Full of confidence, personality, emotion and beauty. Smile when you are in front of the mirror and remember that your happiness is always important. Whether you are single or in a relationship. Learn to love yourself, nurture your self-esteem, and never believe for a moment that being in a relationship is mandatory to be happy.

Sometimes we fall into toxic and harmful conditions that make us feel that being single is a better choice. But what is really best is to learn to enjoy your own individuality and independence, without having to close the doors completely. Love is an adventure that always gives you something, but never neglect your own heart for that reason.

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