Revictimization Effect: What It Is And Why It Should Be Avoided

Revictimization occurs when a person has to relive their traumas in a non-empathetic way. This situation usually arises during certain legal processes and interviews. However, it can also occur in other settings. Learn how to prevent it in this article!
Revictimization effect: What it is and why it should be avoided

When a person has been subjected to some form of abuse and society intervenes to protect them, the revictimization effect can take place. This means that the victim is subjected to processes where they re-experience the suffering they may have endured previously. For example, this may include extensive interrogation of the trauma.

Some of the most notorious consequences of this double victimization are stress and anxiety. In this sense, people can develop double post-traumatic stress: firstly due to the initial trauma and secondly due to the trials they have been subjected to in a worrying way.

Vulnerability to memories of negative experiences is a natural response in all people. However, some people are more likely to overcome trauma than others, which reduces the likelihood of double victimization.

When does the revictimization effect occur?

A woman crying
These people tend to suffer more than usual.

This situation can occur in a number of settings, with legal proceedings being one of the most frequent. For example, when a victim of abuse has to testify in court and is asked unempathetic questions where they have to re-experience unpleasant events, the revictimization effect occurs.

Based on the example above, we can understand that double victimization occurs when officials from a public or private institution subject a person who has been traumatized to public contempt or force them to relive critical moments of the traumatic experience during an interrogation.

The victim’s own family members or friends may also be the ones making hurtful comments. Ultimately , it is the lack of empathy when talking about the traumatic events that causes a person to fall victim to a negative situation twice.

Social networks are platforms that have the ability to quickly expose people to this type of negative situation. Such is the case with viral news; When the news of a person being raped or murdered begins to circulate on social networks, the victim or the victim’s family members suffer intensely.

Possible psychological consequences of revictimization

The psychological consequences of being victimized twice generate a higher level of vulnerability in those affected. In other words , there is an increase in the intensity of the first symptoms, and new maladaptive behavior may occur.

In most cases, people who have been abused or traumatized experience develop post-traumatic stress disorder; irrational fear of situations related to the trauma.

Post-traumatic stress in people who have been subjected to double victimization is often related to institutions. For example, a person develops fear of litigation because they were subjected to an unsympathetic interrogation where they had to relive their original trauma.

In addition to post-traumatic stress disorder, revictimization will make people believe that it is impossible to get help. It is then learned hopelessness about legal or judicial processes; people do not turn to institutions again because they do not see it as beneficial.

A stressed woman in a car
Negative memories can cause these people to flee institutions.

Measures to avoid revictimization

Institutions can adopt a more humane approach when dealing with victims of traumatic events. Therefore, awareness among officials responsible for interviewing vulnerable people should be increased. Other measures to consider will be:

  • Offer psychological care. It will be beneficial for victims to have the opportunity to meet a psychiatric professional before discussing their traumatic experiences with others.
  • Avoid starting the dialogue with questions related to the trauma. It is never a good idea to approach a person directly with unpleasant topics; you must first create some trust.
  • Practice active listening. An indispensable aspect of empathy is knowing how to listen when we are talked to; Ideally, allow the other person the freedom to tell us about the situation without pressure, at the pace they need, and take the breaks required to validate their feelings.
  • Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Being empathetic is based on having the ability to put oneself in the other person’s situation to understand their pain; Avoid judging and do not downplay the feelings of others.

Are some people immune to revictimization?

Some individuals have certain personality traits that make them less prone to the revictimization effect. Above all , resilience plays a crucial role in when someone can be influenced by the comments of others.

When a person is resilient, they have the ability to overcome adversity and achieve significant learning. In other words, in the future they will be able to face any unfortunate situation in a less traumatic way. As such, the most resilient people usually do not have problems talking about vulnerable topics.

This does not mean that people with higher resilience are immune to memories of trauma that cause bad effects. However, they are able to cope with unwanted situations.

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