Relieves Symptoms Of Arthritis

Relieves symptoms of arthritis

What you eat can have a big impact on how you feel. It can also be good or bad for your health. This should be pretty obvious, considering that almost everything in your body depends on your food choices. People who have arthritis should make sure that they have a healthy and balanced diet to relieve the symptoms of arthritis.

In today’s article, we will share some of the smartest food choices you can make, and why essential fatty acids can help reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

A balanced diet for symptoms of arthritis

Deciding to eat right can be beneficial for everyone, especially people suffering from certain diseases, such as arthritis. You should try to include the following foods in your diet every day:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Beans
  • Whole grains
  • Protein that is easy to absorb
  • Wheat

A person with symptoms of arthritis should make sure that they get a good amount of fiber from the food they eat. Strawberries and oatmeal, for example, have a lot of fiber in a small portion.

If you have pain and inflammation  , it is a good idea to eat extra virgin olive oil, which has properties similar to aspirin, ibuprofen and the like.

If you take three to four tablespoons of olive oil, they produce the same anti-inflammatory effect as 200 mg with over-the-counter painkillers.

At the same time, we have garlic, which will also reduce inflammation in muscles and joints while increasing the intake of antioxidants that have many beneficial effects.

Sesame seeds contain high amounts of selenium (people with arthritis tend to have lower levels of this compound).

Vitamin D is another important nutrient that reduces the risk of developing symptoms of arthritis, especially in women. It can also strengthen the immune system and prevent the loss of bone density.

The best source of vitamin D is the sun. Sunbathing for 15 minutes a day is good for you (as long as you avoid the sun’s rays during the most dangerous times, which are between 11:00 and 15:00).

You can also find vitamin D in whole grain products and cereals.

3-arthritis pain

What should you eat if you have symptoms of arthritis?

  • Beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Oats
  • Building
  • Soya
  • Potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Nuts (especially almonds and pistachios)
  • Vegetable-based milk
  • Brown rice
  • Coconut

Are there certain foods that cause inflammation in the joints?


Of course it is. This is why people who already have arthritis should be very careful about what they eat. Meat, chicken and sausages contain substances that can cause inflammation when absorbed.

Omega 6 fatty acids found in egg yolks, fast food and fried foods can also lead to increased inflammation.

Research shows that people who eat more omega-6 fatty acids (instead of omega-3) experience more negative effects on their condition, because the swelling becomes more visible and painful.

Fatty acids and symptoms of arthritis

Although omega 6 is not exactly recommended, it is a good idea to get more omega 3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and help lubricate the joints, which relieves pain.

One of the best options you can choose that has a high content of omega 3 fatty acids is flaxseed. You can crush these seeds and sprinkle them on salads, use them in soups, juices and smoothies among other things.

Be careful with the portion control, as they may have a laxative effect that will block the absorption of certain medications.

They also help prevent blood clots, so if you are also taking aspirin or other blood thinners, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor first.

Fish is an excellent source of these fatty acids. The most famous are cold-water fish, including:

  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Cod
  • Mackerel

These fish will not only be natural ways to fight inflammation, they will also relieve the symptoms of arthritis.

A 2002 study published in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society found that fish oil supplements improve the symptoms in people with arthritis, especially in patients who have more acute or advanced cases of it.

5-knee pain

When you eat more omega 3 fatty acids you will notice a positive change in how comfortable you are when performing your daily activities. You may also notice that you can do new things that you could not before (such as tying your shoes, cutting food, etc.).

Omega 3 fatty acids also reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack, along with other problems associated with cardiovascular disease, in addition to high blood pressure.

The modern western diet often has little of this nutrient, but a high content of omega 6 fatty acids. This is why many people living in these countries suffer from arthritis that starts at an early age.

Where else can you get omega 3 fatty acids?

7-chia seeds

Chia seeds have the highest concentration of these fatty acids that we know of (500 grams per kilo), if you only consider foods that come from plants.

Other good sources include salvia sclarea  (50% of its composition is omega 3 fatty acids), Sacha inchi (a type of peanut originating in Peru, which comes in at 48%), and pumpkin seeds (over 40%).

Be careful when eating walnuts and rapeseed oil, because although they contain a lot of omega 3 fatty acids, they also have a high content of omega 6 fatty acids.

Because of this, they are not recommended for people suffering from arthritis symptoms.

Hemp seeds, on the other hand, contain both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. But the ratio is 3 to 1, where it is mostly omega 3. The best way to get hemp seeds (which are hard and can taste bad) is by making a smoothie where you use vegetable milk and a selection of healthy nuts.

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