Regulation Of Blood Sugar With Only 2 Ingredients

Since cinnamon can lower your blood sugar level considerably, it is important that you consult with your doctor about other medications or treatments you are receiving that may have the same effect.
Regulation of blood sugar with only 2 ingredients

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar, either due to lack of insulin production or because the body does not respond properly to the amount of insulin produced. A sedentary lifestyle or a poor diet are the main reasons why this health problem has increased worldwide in recent decades. According to several studies , there are over 382 million people today suffering from diabetes, and the number is constantly increasing.  It is therefore important to regulate blood sugar in order not to have consequences.

This health problem can be controlled, but it is important that you commit to a treatment since all sugary foods can worsen your condition and therefore must be completely removed from your diet. Treatment of diabetes must be tailored to the individual and done regularly to ensure that blood sugar levels are kept stable. Despite the fact that you need medical treatment and follow-up from a doctor, you can also try some home treatments that can help regulate your blood sugar.

How to regulate blood sugar with only 2 ingredients

This treatment for diabetes contains only 2 very inexpensive ingredients : cinnamon and cloves. Both have been shown to give very positive results for people with diabetes.

  • Cinnamon for regulating blood sugar

A recent study showed that cinnamon can help people with Type 2 diabetes. The participants in the study regularly ate cinnamon and it was shown that levels of both blood sugar and cholesterol were reduced. It may seem that cinnamon improves the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar and also increases the effect of insulin. Regular intake of cinnamon activates important enzymes that stimulate cellular receptors to respond more efficiently to insulin production.

  • Cloves for regulating blood sugar

Carnation is a popular spice all over the world due to its tempting aroma and the delicious taste it gives. But cloves are much more than just a spice: cloves have medicinal properties, including the ability to reduce blood sugar. Cloves are a spice with some of the highest content of antioxidants with 80 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams, as well as beta-carotene, vitamin E, selenium, fiber, phytosterols and various important minerals.

How to regulate blood sugar using cinnamon and cloves?


Now that we’ve told you why cinnamon and cloves can help regulate blood sugar, you should now learn how to make this powerful treatment to control diabetes.


  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • 60 gr cloves
  • 1 liter of water


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and leave it in the fridge for 4-5 days. Then strain the liquid and drink half a cup every day.

Side effects


Note that not all people can use this treatment as it can cause unfortunate side effects for some. If you have diabetes and want to try this treatment, note this first :

  • Cinnamon can aggravate liver problems.
  • This treatment can greatly reduce your blood sugar, so be extra careful if you are already receiving medication or treatments that have the same effect.
  • Some varieties of cinnamon contain compounds that can reduce the body’s ability to prevent blood clots.  It is important to buy cinnamon from a reliable source to ensure good quality.
  • If your doctor has already diagnosed you with diabetes, it is important to consult with him / her before trying this natural treatment.

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