Reduce High Cholesterol With Juice Of Aloe Vera, Cucumber And Grapefruit

Do you suffer from a high cholesterol level? You are not alone. Learn about how a healthy juice made from aloe vera, cucumber and grapefruit can help you.
Reduce high cholesterol with juices of aloe vera, cucumber and grapefruit

High cholesterol is a problem that affects many, especially people living in industrialized countries. Fortunately, you can lower your cholesterol with good juice.

But first, what is high cholesterol?

High cholesterol is caused by excessive accumulation of lipids, a fat found in all the cells of the body, in your arteries. Lipids are naturally excreted by the liver, but can also be absorbed when you eat certain foods that contain them.

Lipids are essential for several of the body’s processes. However, high levels can lead to serious health problems.

The most worrying fact is that many ignore this. It has no obvious symptoms until it has caused a lot of damage.

For this reason, you should take periodic blood tests for cholesterol. If your results are high, take immediate action to control it.

Fortunately, in addition to medical treatments, there are natural ways that can help stabilize your cholesterol.

One of them is a juice made with aloe vera, cucumber and grapefruit. This popular juice cleanses your arteries and removes remnants of the drug.

Try it!

The benefits of aloe vera, cucumber and grapefruit juice for cholesterol

The ingredients that make up this natural juice provide large amounts of essential nutrients, which your body absorbs. Thus, they help to improve the processes that break down excess cholesterol found in the blood.

This drink is also cleansing and diuretic, which will help you with weight loss and minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Furthermore, we will look at all the benefits of each of these ingredients separately.

The benefits of aloe vera

Reduce cholesterol with aloe vera, cucumber and grapefruit juice

The healing properties of aloe vera jelly have been used in alternative medicine for hundreds of years.

This plant, known for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich compounds, is able to protect your body and promote the relief of several health problems.

It is very good for circulation. This is not only because it reduces inflammation, but also because the nutrients help to remove the lipid plaques that form inside the arteries.

Its natural fiber, in addition to amino acids and vitamins, reduces the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL).

It is also an excellent way to remove toxins from your blood, and it also helps fight fluid retention.

The benefits of cucumber

Cucumber is a low-calorie vegetable, whose rich nutrients are very useful in preventing high cholesterol.

It is rich in water and antioxidant compounds, reduces the body’s oxidation of fat, and prevents cholesterol from being synthesized.

At the same time, vitamins and minerals reduce the formation of plaque in the arteries, and maintain good circulation.

In addition, it is fiber that helps capture harmful fats from the food you eat, and prevents them from being kept in the body.

Cucumber also contains potassium, which helps reduce fluid retention and prevent high blood pressure.

The benefits of grapefruit

Reduce cholesterol with aloe vera, cucumber and grapefruit juice

Grapefruit has become popular as a supplement to fight weight loss and high cholesterol.

It increases the antioxidant activity in your blood, minimizes the negative effects of free radicals and reduces the formation of plaque in the arteries.

Dietary fiber helps reduce the absorption of cholesterol in your gut, while improving the digestion of fats.

In addition, it is a cleansing fruit, which removes toxins from the body and promotes good circulation.

Recipe for aloe vera, cucumber and grapefruit juice for high cholesterol

If you want to take advantage of all the health benefits of these ingredients, try making this healthy juice.


  • The juice from 5 grapefruits
  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel (30 g)
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 1 clove of garlic (optional)


  • Squeeze the grapefruit juice and put it in a blender together with the aloe jelly, cucumber and lemon juice.
  • Mix until you have a steady drink, and serve immediately.

This is what you do

  • Drink this juice  on an empty stomach, at least three times a week.

As you can see, it is easy to make a juice to lower your cholesterol. In addition , it does not require expensive ingredients that are difficult to obtain.

The most important thing is to combine the consumption of this drink with a healthy, low-fat diet. It will not do you any good if you continue to eat unhealthy eating habits.

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