Recipe For Traditional Neapolitan Pudding

In this article we are going to talk about a delicious, quick and easy recipe for this sweet dessert that we know you will love.
Recipe for traditional Neapolitan pudding

This is a special recipe for those who love dessert. It’s really easy and quick to make and will make you drool with joy. Want to try a traditional Neapolitan pudding?

Pudding is a dessert that is used in most of the world’s cuisines. This is because of the versatility of this dish which means it can be made with all possible combinations of ingredients.

This dessert dates back to Roman times, when they began to have chicken as a pet and to incorporate eggs into a variety of recipes. Its first name was Tyropatinam .

So, during the Middle Ages, people started making a mixture of eggs, milk and honey that was eaten during Lent. Over time, ingredients such as pepper were replaced with caramel (due to the processing of sugar cane).

Pudding is a French word that traditionally means flat cake. It was given its name in the seventh century when it became popular to make. As a result, this dessert is considered a dish of European origin, and to be centuries old.

This delicious delicacy is made from ingredients such as eggs, milk, sugar, cream cheese and a fairly thick layer of caramel made with a bain marie (water bath ). Find out in this article how to make a traditional Neapolitan pudding.

Traditional Neapolitan pudding

Neapolitan pudding


  • 6 whole eggs
  • 380 g cream cheese
  • 1.1 dl water
  • Peel half a lemon (3 g)
  • 1 box condensed milk (400 g)
  • 2.25 dl unsweetened condensed milk
  • 200 g white sugar


  • First, take a pudding or cake tin and put sugar and water in it. Put it over the heat so the sugar melts and it forms golden caramel.
  • Avoid mixing it with a spoon so that it does not crystallize. After this, move the mold around to spread the caramel out to the sides and have it over on one side.
  • Then you have cream cheese, condensed milk, lemon peel, eggs and unsweetened condensed milk in a blender. Mix these ingredients until well blended. (This step can also be done by hand with the help of a whisk).
  • Then pour the mixture into the middle of the mold with the caramel in it.
  • Put it in the oven in a water bath at 180 degrees and leave it until the pudding is firm and the surface is golden.
  • Preparing it in a water bath involves covering the dish with aluminum foil and placing it over a larger bowl with enough space around it to fill with enough water for the steam to boil.
  • After this, take it out of the oven and put a towel over it so it cools down and retains as much moisture as possible.
  • Once it is cold, use a knife to loosen it from the edge of the mold and turn it upside down over a plate.
  • Remember that the mold contains liquid so you have to turn it out on a suitable plate.

Traditional Neapolitan pudding with strawberries

Traditional Neapolitan pudding

This is a very popular variety of traditional Neapolitan pudding and it is at least as tasty. All you need to do is add a few strawberries to the recipe and a hint of vanilla extract.


  • 6 whole eggs
  • 10 large strawberries
  • Cream cheese (150 g)
  • 1.1 dl water
  • 1 box condensed milk (400 g)
  • 2.25 dl unsweetened condensed milk
  • 4 teaspoons vanilla extract (20 ml)
  • 200 g white sugar


  • First, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • Then heat the sugar with water in a pan and continue stirring until it melts.
  • Stop stirring and wait a few seconds until the sugar turns golden.
  • Take it off the heat immediately and pour it into a pudding or cake tin. Move it around to spread the caramel around the sides.
  • Then mix the strawberries with the unsweetened condensed milk until you have an even mixture.
  • In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with the condensed milk. Add the vanilla extract and cream cheese, and continue to whisk it until all the ingredients are well mixed.
  • After this, add the strawberry mixture and whisk it in well. Pour it into the mold with caramel which at this point will have hardened.
  • Finally, put the mold in a larger mold and half-fill it with hot water.
  • Fry it in a water bath until it becomes firm and the surface is golden. This will take around 45 to 60 minutes .

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