Parsley Against Dark Spots And Freckles

Every day, the skin is exposed to factors that can lead to a change in appearance, so it is not surprising that you will eventually notice damage or changes to the skin.
Parsley against dark spots and freckles

Many people have dark spots  and freckles on their face, which can be annoying at times and make you feel unattractive. The good news is that you do not have to spend a lot of money on expensive treatments to get rid of this. There are many options in cosmetics stores, but there  is also an excellent natural alternative that can give you amazing results.

Use parsley for skin inflammation and dark spots

Parsley is a wonderful natural product that has many good benefits for the skin, with nutrients that penetrate the skin deeply and remove dead skin cells. It removes dark spots and other skin inflammations that negatively affect your appearance.

Parsley is easy to grow, but you can buy it in any grocery store. Parsley is fairly inexpensive and has many medicinal uses.

The properties of parsley for the skin

When it comes to skin care, parsley has important properties that can help you achieve surprising results:

  • It brightens the skin tone
  • It reduces dark spots and freckles.
  • It is a natural toner.
  • It prevents and fights blackheads.
  • It reduces the frequency of acne breakouts.
  • It helps to generate new skin cells, which heals the skin more effectively.
  • It reduces redness, irritation and inflammation.
  • It significantly reduces dark circles under and around the eyes.

How to make a toner of parsley


Whether spots or freckles affect your self-image; do not hesitate to make this powerful toner of parsley that can reduce their impression considerably, while at the same time toning the skin and making your face radiate and look more beautiful.


  • 1 cup (200 milliliters) of boiling water
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice or apple cider vinegar


  • Boil a cup of water in a small saucepan and add two tablespoons of parsley. Reduce heat, then allow to cool. Add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar and stir well.
  • Store the liquid in a spray bottle and apply it on the face every day, both in the morning and in the evening.
  • It stays in the fridge for five to six days
  • Since it is made with only natural ingredients, you may not notice any change after the first time. It is important to be patient and know that it can take time before you see results. If you use it regularly, you will see improvements and reduced dark spots after a few weeks.

Face mask made from parsley


skin tones

If you really want to take advantage of the good benefits of parsley for your skin, you should combine the use of the spray mentioned above with the following homemade face mask.


  • 1 bunch parsley
  • 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of pure honey


  • Soak the parsley in hot water, then finely chop it. Crush the parsley in a mortar and knead until you get a thick paste.
  • Scrape the pasta into a small bowl and add the lemon juice and honey. Mix the ingredients well, then apply it on the face.
  • You may want to wash your face thoroughly before applying this mask. Once you have applied it, leave it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Lemon juice can irritate or sting, but only when you have an outbreak of pimples that are inflamed. The bad feelings probably last only a few seconds.
  • It is important to apply the mask only in the evening, as the citric acid in lemon juice can have negative consequences for the skin if it is exposed to sunlight.
  • After enough time, clean the mask with warm water and apply moisturizer.
  • If you have acne, freckles or discoloration, it is best to treat with this mask twice a week.
  • As with the spray, you should use the mask regularly to achieve the best possible result against dark spots.

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