Outbreaks Of Alzheimer’s – Can It Be Prevented?

To prevent Alzheimer’s from attacking, it is very important to exclude certain risk factors from your routines.
Outbreaks of Alzheimer's disease can be prevented?

Alzheimer’s is one of the most worrying diseases in recent decades due to the increasing number of diagnoses. We do not know exactly what triggers or what are the causes of this disease. However, we know that the symptoms move quickly.

This disease causes chaos in patients and family members, which is why many people ask if it is possible to stop the degenerative process.

Today we will help answer this question.

What is Alzheimer’s?

The brain functions as a multifunctional center. It is responsible for the control of all the organs in the body.

It interprets external stimuli to send out signals that create responses in muscles, bones, organs and glands.

The ability to walk, remember different facts, or even feel thirsty are all things your brain controls. However, this can be affected by age.

It is a neurodegenerative disease that involves a number of different symptoms of dementia. In general, it is associated with aging. However, it can also affect young people if they have certain risk factors.

Medically, “dementia” is referred to as  clinical cases involving symptoms such as loss of cognitive function or memory.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s


With Alzheimer’s, dementia occurs as the main symptom of a severe degeneration of the nerve and brain cells.

As this degenerative process progresses, many patients show a marked change in their daily behavior and personality. In more severe cases, they can develop severe personality disorders.

The International Alzheimer’s Association has compiled a list of “10 signs of Alzheimer’s.” In it, they describe the most common signals seen in patients.

Here they are:

  • Memory problems that make today’s activities more difficult
  • Difficulty solving simple problems
  • Difficulties with normal routine tasks
  • Loss of consciousness over time and space
  • Difficulty interpreting images
  • Problems with written or oral language
  • They put objects in strange places or struggle to find things
  • Difficulty making decisions or loss of judgment
  • Loss of initiative or motivation
  • They change mood, behavior or personality

The reasons for Alzheimer’s


There is still no consensus among medical professionals about the main causes of Alzheimer’s. However, apart from aging, they observe the following risk factors:

  • Tobacco
  • Alcoholism
  • Consumption of toxic substances such as drugs
  • Unbalanced diet
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Being overweight
  • Poor sleep habits (poor sleep quality or not enough sleep)
  • Eating disorders, such as nervous refusal to eat
  • Cardiovascular problems, such as arterial hypertension
  • Brain damage caused by accidents, trauma or illness

Is It Possible To Stop Alzheimer’s?


When we talk about stopping the onset of Alzheimer’s, we are generally talking about slowing down the course of symptoms.

But even  more important than slowing down the degenerative process is preventing it from starting at all.  After all, the emergence of the degenerative process is extremely rapid in cases of dementia.

Preventing Alzheimer’s means excluding risk factors from your routines.

Therefore, we give you some suggestions below for changes you can make in your daily habits, to take care of your mind and body:

  • Have a balanced diet. Avoid excess foods and empty calories.
  • Perform regular physical exercise (at least 30 minutes per day).
  • Maintain a healthy body weight, to avoid becoming overweight or developing cardiovascular problems.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. This includes citrus fruits, red berries, green leafy vegetables, nuts, fish with a high omega 3 and 9 content, etc.
  • Reduce your daily stress level  with physical exercise, meditation, yoga, a hobby, etc.
  • Take time to relax and entertain yourself.  After all, overloading yourself with work works against its purpose for your health and your cognitive abilities.
  • Sleep eight hours a day and make sure your sleep is of good quality.
  • Maintain healthy relationships and spend time in positive environments.
  • Maintain good self-esteem, avoid negative thoughts, and do not be embarrassed to seek psychological treatment if you think it is necessary.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation, do not smoke, and do not use toxic substances.

In addition, women who are going through menopause should consult a doctor about estrogen hormone supplements. Researchers believe that reducing the natural production of estrogen may make  Alzheimer’s more likely to attack.

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