One Day You Will Understand That Patience Is A Virtue

There are some who have simply given up waiting for good things to happen, and any change in their lives. In some cases, we get into a kind of inertia. A kind of discouragement, where we are overwhelmed by everything that has not yet happened, whatever it may be.
One day you will understand that patience is a virtue
Patience is a virtue that many do not understand how to achieve. First and foremost, it’s because we spend time postponing things. And to wait for one thing or another to happen. Then suddenly we begin to lose control of our own lives. Have a little patience!

With that said, although many will say that our dreams come true. When we stop waiting and start doing something about it, this is not always right. Sometimes we strive every day for our dreams and sacrifice everything. But still fail to achieve these dreams.

What is going to happen is going to happen, when the time is right. For example, no one can force love to happen arbitrarily, whenever they want. Nor is it in our power to get a great job, find a best friend, or live life to the fullest, all at once or during the day.

We must create our own reality, but we must also be patient. In this article, we invite you to think about this topic.

Do not give up patience: some things are worth the wait

Pregnancy lasts nine months. A relationship that ends in true love develops over time. A cake has a specific cooking time and certain ingredients, and these ingredients are in specific quantities.

Everything requires time, devotion, interest and most importantly, patience. Impatience is never a good friend. The things in our lives that come too fast never turn out to go the way we want it to go.

Now, how can you be patient if life has given you more disappointments than joy so far?

This is a common mistake that many people make: if there is no trust or hope in your goals. Do you start looking at them differently? In other words, you may stop believing that good things can happen to you.

And that’s what’s going on. Let’s think about this further down.


When bad things happen to good people

How can I wait for good things to happen when the only thing that has happened to me has been bad? We have all had this thought at one time or another. Sometimes the problems come to those who least deserve it, such as noble individuals who have to work their way uphill without knowing how.

It is in these important moments that some lose the confidence  and expectation that they can achieve their dreams, or even if they can regain the joy they once had.

But, when you are in these difficult situations, instead of asking “why me?”. E rstatt the phrase with “what can I do now that I’m in this situation?” .

Other replacements are:

  • My partner left me ⇒ “What can I do now that I am in this situation?”. ⇒ Learn how to live, strive and try to find happiness again.
  • The doctor said I have an illness ⇒ “What can I do now that I am in this situation?” ⇒ Fight every single day for myself and my family. After this fight, wait, then I will win, and my health  will improve.
  • I lost my job. ⇒ “What can I do now that I am in this situation?” ⇒ I can reinvent myself, start from scratch and follow another career path, and not give up. Sooner or later I will get to where I want to be.
three in hand

Patience is the art of waiting for good things to happen

There are some who have simply given up waiting for good things to happen, and any change in their lives. In some cases, we get into a kind of inertia. A kind of discouragement, where we are overwhelmed by everything that has not yet happened, whatever it may be.

But it is not enough. Those who wait are not sedentary, and they do not fill their minds with negative thoughts such as “it will never happen to me” or “that train has gone”.

  • In life we ​​must anoint ourselves with patience, with a smile on our face. We also have to fight every single day. But many coincidences can happen in our lives and luck can be with us when we least expect it, “equal children play best” is not always true.
  • After we have wanted something, destiny and the stars will go in to structure our desires. We must practice the art of waiting with our eyes open, intuition turned on and our hands busy, to change our reality.

Trust your intuition

This is, without a doubt, a necessary skill to practice. Learning to trust intuition is, in fact, just as important as learning to wait, because that skill allows us to consider the opportunity we have been waiting for and also let it deal with it after we have waited so long.

It is necessary to specify the right moment to take the “big leap”, which will help us achieve our goals, which is our specific desire.

Imagine that the love of your life or your partner you love but with whom you have not taken a chance is in front of you. It is possible that you have experienced many failed attempts in the past, and all these painful experiences make you unable to trust your intuition .

But sooner or later you will regret it.

little man on woman's hand

Fear is always the main factor that stops us from being happy. That is why the art of knowing how to wait allows us to free ourselves from our own fears, step by step.

It’s worth taking the blind leap after waiting so long.


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