Note! Prohibited Food If You Have Irritated Bowel

Note!  Prohibited food if you have irritated bowel

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can be very uncomfortable and cause many problems. Everyone who suffers from this problem can experience different types of discomfort because not all organisms react in the same way: Certain types of food can cause problems for some people, but not for others.

Those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome can improve and relieve symptoms by following a special diet.  This can then enable one to live a normal life. This is why we tell you what NOT to eat if you have irritated bowel syndrome, as these are foods that can make the problem worse.

Avoid these foods if you have irritated intestines

Deep-fried fast food


Deep-fried foods such as french fries, chicken and all other foods that are fried in lots of oil can be very harmful to your health, especially if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Fast foods  like burgers, pizzas and sausages are also included in this list because these can make the problem much, much worse.

A healthier way to prepare food than to fry it is to cook or bake it in the oven. Grilled food, whether it is in a pan or on the grill, is much healthier. If you need some oil, it is best to use olive oil or coconut oil.

Eat as little red meat as possible

We recommend that you avoid eating red meat no matter how it is cooked, this includes sausages, ham, minced meat and pork chops, because this is meat that needs more time to digest and therefore stays longer in the body.  This can affect your health.

There are many people who can not do without meat, whether it is for lunch or other meals, and these should reduce the portions and only eat red meat three times a week. The meat should be cooked in the oven or cooked and be tender, clean and fat-free.

Say NO to dairy products


Dairy products should be kept away from the diet of people with irritable bowel syndrome because these products do not contain fiber for good digestion, and they contain fat and lactose. Whey protein and casein also increase digestive problems and can cause severe diarrhea and constipation.

Cow’s milk can be replaced with almond milk, soy milk or untreated goat’s milk.

Be careful with egg yolks

It is best to eat as few eggs as possible, or at least the egg yolk, as it contains a lot of fat. Egg whites are much easier to digest.

Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners

sugar cubes

Refined sugar lacks vitamins and minerals, and it also gives you carbohydrates that do not provide any benefits to your body. All refined sugars and artificial sweeteners in general can cause digestive problems. It is best to reduce your intake as much as possible.

A healthy alternative is to use untreated organic honey because it can give you the energy you need every day in a healthy and natural way.

Do not drink beverages with a lot of sugar or caffeine

We know that carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar which is bad for our health, as these drinks can cause dehydration. If your body does not get enough fluid, it can lead to constipation.

If you want to drink coffee (due to its high caffeine content), you should also drink plenty of water. But green tea is a good alternative next to homemade natural fruit juices. This way you can have a good digestion and therefore a good inner health.

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