Nobody Is Important Enough To Make You Bitter

In order for the rest of the world to ruin your life, you must give them permission to do so. If you do not, they will have no power over you, because you are the creator of your own happiness
No one is important enough to make you bitter

Others can ruin your life and very easily make you bitter. They can use fear, negative attitudes, expose insecurities, make you worry about things that are not worth it…

It’s as uncomfortable as usual, and almost without knowing how it happens, you fall into a gray abyss of apathy and discomfort.

You have to learn to face things differently, as it is all too common to let others ruin your day with their bad attitude.

One thing to keep in mind is the fact that bitterness more than anything else is a lack of ability to be happy.

Before criticizing someone or raising the complaint that ” all you are doing is ruining your life,”  be patient and receptive to determining if the other person is suffering from a problem such as depression.

If they only exist to hurt you, control you or pressure you, do not let them do it.

Destroying the lives of others is not allowed

From today, you must introduce a new purpose: do not let anyone upset you or make you bitter.

You need to open your emotional umbrella to protect yourself from the hurtful words of those who try to cut your wings when you try to fly, who try to extinguish the flame of your dreams, or who repeat every day that ” you can not”  reach everything you feel is “ I want”.

To put an end to this, you can implement these simple strategies.


I hear you, I understand, but I protect myself from you

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, negative behavior can be characterized by bitterness, irritability, apathy or even signs of a hidden depression.

  • Responding with anger or lack of interest can intensify the other person’s negative feelings.
  • It is best to listen to them and calmly confront their arguments with confidence and patience.
  • If they need help, offer some strategies for you to understand what is going on inside them.
  • If they just lack empathy and respect for you, open your umbrella of defense and get some distance between you.

Bitterness is not solved with more bitterness

You cannot resolve an insult by adding another. Fear does not die in the presence of greater fears, and sorrows do not disappear when you build up more negative emotions.

  • If your family member, partner or friend is used to putting dark mufflers on happy moments, beating down your dreams and hopes, do not intensify the situation with anger or by reacting with hostility.
  • You need to be confident and also intelligent. Sometimes you can not change the way people around you are going to be. Certain personality types are used to downplay, insult and downplay others.

The sooner you accept this, the better, because this will allow you to act in a more logical way: by distance or by setting up defensive walls.


Some keys to fighting bitterness

Rafael Santandreu is a psychologist who through books such as “The Art of Not Being Bitter”, has shown us that the poor quality of life you may experience at some point is the result of using the wrong philosophy, without knowing how, but with your own actions and your thoughts.

Do not let others make you bitter

One way to deal with these inappropriate answers would be to learn to let things make you bitter. Try to keep these simple strategies in mind:

  • Try not to complain too much. Instead of complaining about bad things or what you do not have, try to appreciate what you have or solve what worries you.
  • To use the terminology of this psychologist, do not make your life worse. People tend to say something like ” if I quit this job everything will end”,  or ” if my partner leaves me I will die”.
  • Even though you may not know it, you do not need much to be happy. Try to appreciate the little things you have around you.
  • Take care of your internal dialogue. Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy.
  • Do not demand anything from anyone and do not expect everything from others.
  • Love yourself unconditionally and be able to accept those around you for who they are. Love them with respect, just as you respect yourself.
  • Use laughter to fight the chaos that surrounds you. If someone is determined that they want to drag you down, respond with humor.

It’s not worth letting any of their “dirty tricks” have power over you and make you bitter.

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