Nine Tricks For Those Who Can Not Sleep On Planes

The majority of people are unable to sleep on airplanes for various reasons that affect their sleep. We will share some tips that can help you fall asleep
Nine tricks for those who can not sleep on planes

Do you feel panic when you are on a plane or do you simply not like it, and this prevents you from falling asleep when you really want to rest? Pay attention to these nine tricks that we show you to help you sleep on planes.

Take flights at night to sleep on planes

Whenever possible, take a flight at night to make it easier to fall asleep. If it coincides with your normal sleep schedule, you will fall asleep more easily. Another tip is to sleep less than normal the night before you fly. Wake up 2 or 3 hours earlier so you get more tired.

2. You will travel more comfortably on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

A plane taking off at sunset

If you can choose which day to fly, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the most comfortable days to fly. In general, there are far fewer people on the plane, and because of this you will have more space around you.

The opposite happens on Fridays  and holidays when many people fly. So remember that.

The window seat is the best option

If you are one of those people who likes the aisle, you should change your preferences because the window seat is best. By selecting the seat next to the window, you will be able to rest your head to the side without anyone disturbing you.

It is also recommended that you avoid the seats that separate the different classes. Although they give you more space, these seats are usually reserved for families with babies.

It will also be difficult to fall asleep if you have space next to the toilet, as there is a lot of traffic in and out of this area.

4. Put the seat back as much as possible to sleep on the plane

A person sleeping on a plane

Lean your seat back as much as possible. Of course, make sure you do not bother the passenger sitting behind you.

Also keep in mind that if you sit on a flight for many hours at a ninety degree angle, you may end up giving yourself a lot of pain.

Do not lower the tabletop or rest your head on the seat in front of you as this can be bad for both your neck and back.

5. Wear comfortable clothing

It is important that you travel in comfortable clothing. If you wear restrictive clothing, you will not be able to fall asleep.

You should also remember the temperature of the plane. Find out if the plane offers blankets, and if not, bring a jacket and warm socks or even a thin blanket with this trip in mind.

It becomes difficult to fall asleep if you are cold.

6. Fasten the seat belt securely

Fasten your seat belt securely

To sleep well, you need to be as comfortable as possible, as we have told you. If you fasten your seat belt over your clothes or blanket, it will not happen.

But if you fasten your seat belt well, even if you experience turbulence, you will be able to sleep and the flight attendant will not have to wake you up. So you will not even realize that it is happening.

7. Think about bringing things that help you sleep

You may find it easier to fall asleep if you take some things with you that are designed to help you sleep. Remember that in general, the most annoying things about an airplane are when you want to sleep light and noise. So think about bringing a sleeping mask and earplugs for the noise.

To keep your head and neck in a comfortable position, you need to bring a special pillow. In urgent cases, you can always wear a rolled-up sweater.

8. Turn off your electronic devices to sleep on airplanes

Turn off your electronic devices

Always switch off your electronic devices if possible. Do not watch any movies as the light from the screen keeps your brain active and will make it harder to fall asleep. If you want to stay entertained, it’s best to read.

9. Be careful what you eat and drink

Be careful what you eat or drink on the plane. If you want to sleep well, do not eat too much. When it comes to your drinks, it is best to avoid energy drinks or coffee and instead choose water or decaffeinated tea.

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