Natural Ways To Relieve Irritated Eyes

If you have dry, irritated eyes and feel that you should add moisture with eye drops, we recommend that you choose eye drops that are made from natural ingredients.
Natural ways to relieve irritated eyes

We can at times, including in the transition between seasons, be bothered by irritated eyes. They become red, damp or dry, which is not only uncomfortable but can also make you look sick.

In today’s article we offer some tips that can help you relieve irritated eyes using natural remedies.

Natural eye drops for irritated eyes

If you have dry, irritated eyes and feel that you should add moisture with eye drops, we recommend that you choose eye drops that are made from natural ingredients. One of the most commonly used plants is eye comfort, a medicinal plant that is excellent for eye health.

However, if you choose eye drops that contain corticosteroids, you should make sure not to use them too regularly because of the side effects they can have. Consult your doctor to find out which eye drops are best for you.

Moisture from the inside

Remember that irritated eyes are not just an external problem that goes away when the symptoms disappear. We recommend that you also add foods that have healthy fats to your diet:

  • Linseed oil, olive oil, sesame oil and other vegetable oils.
  • Nuts
  • Avocado

The healthy fats in these foods will help your eyes from the inside out. Eat fat in moderation, but do not be afraid of the number of calories, as healthy fatty acids are easier for the body to absorb and can even help you maintain a healthy weight.

irritated eyes

Reduce inflammation in the eyelids

Your eyelids are a sensitive part of the face that turns red and inflamed very easily.

Here is a simple home remedy that will relieve and reduce inflammation in just a few minutes.

Make chamomile tea and store the used tea bag in the freezer. When the eyelids become inflamed, take out two frozen tea bags, close your eyes and place the tea bags over your eyes while they are still cold.

You should lie down while doing this to do it right.

A more traditional option is to use two slices of cucumber, but you may not always have fresh cucumber in stock when you need it.

irritated eyes


The medicinal properties of the neem tree ( azaldirachta indica have been well known in India for centuries, and today you can find products made from seeds from this tree in health food stores or Chinese import stores. Neem oil can be used, among other things, to relieve damp eyes caused by allergies. It can also relieve redness, irritation and itching.

How to use it?

  • Squeeze a drop of essential neem oil into a couple of tablespoons of clean water. Pour into bottle and shake well.
  • Pour the mixture into a clean glass, dip two cotton pads in the mixture and place them over the eyes. Leave them on for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • You can do this once or twice a day until you feel it helps.

Avoid using toxic cosmetics

Did you know that the makeup you use on a daily basis is most likely to contain harmful ingredients? In particular, what you use on the eyelids and eyelashes can be absorbed by the body via the eye. The products can also irritate the eyes and skin.

You should avoid using eyeliner, mascara or eye shadow at all when your eyes are irritated. However, if you do not want to go out completely without  makeup, you should choose natural options available in the market. These do not contain heavy metals or parabens, and the ingredient list of the product will show it.

To remove eye makeup, do not use chemicals – just pour a little almond or olive oil on a piece of paper or a cotton pad instead.

irritated eyes


In India as well as in many Arab countries, women (but also men and children!) Use a natural black paint around the eyes called kohl or kajal. This natural color shade is used not only as makeup, but also as a moisturizer, as eyeliner consists of natural oils and other natural ingredients.

Kajal fights bacteria, adds moisture, brightens the eye and can even filter the light for those who cannot tolerate strong light.

Make sure you do not apply too much, as only a little eyeliner lasts a long time.

It may sting a little the first time you apply eyeliner, so be aware of the body’s reaction in case it shows that you are allergic.

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