Natural Teas That Help With Constipation

For better bowel movements, it is very important to drink the daily recommended amount of 2 liters of water, in addition to these teas to stimulate bowel movements.
Natural teas that help with constipation

If you have trouble going to the bathroom because of your diet, do not hesitate to read the following article on natural teas for constipation. Lack of regular bowel movements can cause discomfort, pain, bloating and other problems.

Read on to learn which natural teas are best for constipation.

What is constipation and what causes it?

It is a condition characterized by the lack of regular bowel movements or difficulty emptying the bowels completely. Now it has become increasingly common, and it is due to:

  • Poor nutrition
  • That you eat food with too little fiber
  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • Lack of exercise
  • That you do not drink enough fluids
  • Stress
  • Changes in habits

In some people, constipation can be caused by conditions other than those described above, such as:

  • Thyroid problems
  • Liver disease
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause

Symptoms of constipation include:

  • Problems emptying the intestines
  • Painful stools
  • Hard, dry stools
  • Abdominal inflammation
  • Irregular bowel movements (once every 4 days)

Which natural teas are best for constipation?

It is possible to solve this problem by taking advantage of natural health preparations.

Plants with laxative properties can help considerably. You remove waste products and avoid diseases caused by the fermentation of toxins in the body.

You should be aware that in order to maintain a healthy body, you should have a bowel movement once a day. It should be soft and it should not require much effort. Otherwise you suffer from constipation.


In addition to drinking 2 liters of water a day, you should drink 2-3 cups of the following natural teas with laxative properties:


The seeds of this plant will fight constipation in a few days.


  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed

Here’s how to do it

  • Boil the water for 3 minutes, remove from the heat, add the flax seeds and let it cool for a few minutes. Then strain and drink it. You can make this tea sweeter with a little honey.
  • Drink one cup before breakfast and another in the afternoon for a whole week.

Oat bran

This solution allows you to quickly empty your bowels and avoid constipation. It is healing with a pleasant taste.


  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon oat bran

Here’s how to do it

Combine both ingredients and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Strain and drink.


This plant has many properties that are beneficial to the body. It has been found that one of its properties helps to stimulate the intestines so that they will eliminate the stool.


  • 1 handful of leaves from a nettle
  • 1 cup of water

Here’s how to do it

  • Boil the leaves for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and let them cool for 10 minutes, then strain and drink it. Drink a glass on an empty stomach, and two more after your main meals.

Aloe vera

This natural remedy is good for those who suffer from chronic or prolonged constipation.


  • 1 piece of aloe vera (the size of your palm)
  • 2 cups water
  • The juice of ½ lemon

Here’s how to do it

Boil aloe vera in water for a few minutes. Remove from the heat and blend it in a blender. Add the lemon juice and drink before cooling. We recommend drinking one cup on an empty stomach and one more after lunch or dinner.

Cat cheese

This plant can be used both on the outside and inside to cure various ailments, and constipation is one of them.


  • 1 handful of leaves from cat cheese
  • 1 cup of water

Here’s how to do it

Cook for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and let it soak before filtering. Drink it up to three times a day. It will help you remove toxins faster and digest food better.


The leaves of this plant are good for the treatment of intestinal problems.


  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons leaves from olives

Here’s how to do it

Cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool for another 5 minutes. Strain and drink 2 cups, preferably on an empty stomach. For a better effect, add a tablespoon of flaxseed to the saucepan before heating. Eat a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil immediately after drinking it.


This plant acts as the perfect anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic and laxative. It is very effective in relieving constipation and gastritis. It is not recommended for those with hyperthyroidism.


  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 2 teaspoons dried ironwort flowers

Here’s how to do it

Boil water, add the flowers and let it cool for 10 minutes before filtering and drinking it. Drink it up to twice daily.


Licorice plants

This plant protects the gastric mucosa, prevents heartburn and helps improve intestinal function. It should not be taken for a long time, because then it can lead to fluid retention or high blood pressure.


  • 1 teaspoon dried licorice plant
  • 1 cup of water

Here’s how to do it

Boil for 15 minutes and let it steep. Drink a cup daily.

Natural teas for constipation: Fight

This plant is rich in plant slime and is recommended for cases of chronic constipation.  For best results, it should be noted that you must drink plenty of water ( if you do not drink enough water, it can lead to obstructions in the intestines ).


  • 1 tbsp giant
  • 1 cup of water

Here’s how to do it

Make a tea and let it cool. Strain and drink it before going to bed every night.


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