Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids

To treat hemorrhoids you need to follow a diet that is high in fiber and make sure you drink at least two liters of water a day.
Natural remedies for hemorrhoids

You may think that not many people suffer from this problem, but then you are very wrong. More and more people go to the doctor because of hemorrhoids. In today’s article we will give you some natural remedies for hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids: What, how and why

Hemorrhoids are a major problem. People who have experienced them will agree with us immediately. They are caused by increased pressure on the rectum, and some triggers are:

  • Chronic constipation
  • Pregnancy
  • Birth
  • Obesity
  • Stress
  • Having a diet low in fiber
  • If you sit all day
  • Little physical activity
  • If you are wearing tight clothes

The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids are:

  • Pain
  • Burning sensation
  • Itch
  • General discomfort
  • Blood in the stool

Sometimes it is easier to tone down the symptoms of hemorrhoids instead of dealing with them, but keep in mind that if the situation worsens, it is more likely that at some point you will have to have it treated surgically.

This is why it is better to have healthy habits and that you try some natural remedies for hemorrhoids.


Some tips to relieve hemorrhoids

  • Avoid diets that are high in protein (such as the Atkins diet)
  • Get lots of fiber from fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes
  • Avoid foods high in sugar (sweets, sweets, cakes, etc.)
  • Drink at least two liters of water a day in winter, and up to three during the summer
  • Do not drink too much coffee or alcohol
  • Exercise regularly
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid using strong laxatives
  • Do not smoke and reduce your stress level
  • Wear cotton underwear and avoid tight clothing
  • Avoid using toilet paper that is coarse, perfumed, or very dry. Choose wet wipes instead
  • Do not postpone the urge to go to the bathroom
  • Do not sit all day, and if you work at a desk, try a standing desk, or use pillows and make sure you get up from time to time

Natural remedies for hemorrhoids

In addition to trying the recommendations above (it may seem like a lot, but all of them are very simple and they promote overall good health while improving the condition of hemorrhoids), it is a good idea to take advantage of the benefits. with the following remedies for hemorrhoids:

Witch hazel oil

This tree reduces inflammation and heals, which helps reduce the itching and pain associated with hemorrhoids. You can make wet wipes with witch hazel by applying a few drops of the essential oil, which is sold in health food stores and pharmacies.

If you experience any kind of irritation due to sensitive skin, stop using it immediately. You can always dilute the witch hazel oil with a little olive oil.


4-chestnut nuts

You are probably aware that this nut is also an ingredient in many creams and beauty products.

The flowers of the horse chestnut tree are white and pink, and all parts of the tree can improve circulation by toning blood vessels, making it perfect for treating hemorrhoids.

To take advantage of its healing properties, make a tea using:

  • A handful of leaves from a chestnut tree
  • A cup of water

Heat the water until it boils, and put in the leaves for five minutes. Remove from the heat and leave covered until cooled. Strain the liquid into a container and put it in a larger container or bathtub you can sit in for a bath.

You can also moisten a washcloth or cotton swab in this tea to treat the affected area directly.

Black root

Black root helps relieve pain caused by hemorrhoids and can also help with bleeding. You can find black root powder in health food stores and add some water to form a paste. You can apply this on the affected area for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

Aloe vera

5-aloe vera

This plant has so many good properties that we can not talk about them all, but it can do everything from healing skin and wounds to reducing inflammation, so it is great against hemorrhoids. Cut a stalk of the aloe vera plant in half and scrape out the gel to apply it on the affected area.

Bark from white oak

This is another tree with incredible properties, including the following:

  • It is antiseptic
  • It is anti-inflammatory
  • Tightening

An excellent remedy for hemorrhoids is a tea prepared with:

  • 1 teaspoon bark from white oak
  • 2.5 dl boiling water

Put the bark in boiling water, cover it and let it soak for 15 minutes. Strain the liquid, moisten a cotton ball in it, and apply it on the affected area.

This is a great remedy for reducing swelling, but avoid it if you also experience constipation.


It is more common to use this in Ayurvedic medicine, thanks to its amazing properties. It can help others with:

  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Hemorrhoids

In the latter case, it is useful because it fights inflammation and infections. This in turn helps reduce pain. You can use it both internally and externally, as follows:

  • 1 handful of bark from the nematode
  • 1 cup warm water

Prepare the tea the same way you do with other teas. Let it cool for five minutes if you are going to drink it, and for 15 if you are going to apply it externally.

If you choose to drink it as tea it will also improve digestion and constipation. For topical use, apply to the affected area with a cotton swab soaked in the liquid to relieve any itching and bleeding.

Then you know of some natural remedies for hemorrhoids, try them if you suffer from this problem.

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