My Conscience Carries More Weight Than Other People’s Opinions

To achieve well-being in all areas, it is important that your conscience carries more weight than other factors. Let your values ​​guide you and avoid injustice.
My conscience carries more weight than the opinions of others

It has often been said that there is no better pillow than a clear conscience.

This is an idea that is as simple as it is true, because this psychological construction constitutes your perception of yourself and the world around you, which must always strive for harmony and balance.

When you reach that point of simple harmony, when everything you say or do is in line with your core values, it means that your conscience carries more weight than the opinions and pressures of others.

Of course, you know that in order to have a good conscience, you sometimes have to fight some personal battles that will distance you from certain environments or social groups.

This intimate and powerful component of the psyche requires you to go through different stages, so that little by little you begin to understand what is the primary and what is secondary.

We suggest you reflect on this today.

The power of good conscience

Some people do not have it. Some people cannot sleep well at night because their conscience does not have peace.

They have not been forgiven, they have acted wrongly, they owe money, they have given up or run away when something was demanded of them… There is no doubt that these people will experience this deep and sometimes complicated discomfort.

The complex but interesting concept of consciousness

One of the leading experts in the study of consciousness was William James. This famous philosopher and psychologist from the end of the last century was the brother of Henry James. He established the idea that our consciousness can be divided into three components:

The empirical ego

Here we find all aspects of ourselves that we attribute as our own. This is where self-esteem is generated, along with what we are, what we like, and what we avoid because it leads to pain.

The pure ego

This is a more spiritual and intimate dimension. It is a deeper part of who we are that we are not fully aware of at times.

This is an instinct that tells you when something has happened “is not good”, something you have to react to.

The changing ego

Here you will find the changes in your life cycle that can sometimes lead you to discover new ways to integrate certain aspects into your personality and consciousness.

Never forget that people grow every day and that experience is learning.

Gods care for the earth

Consciousness is a subtle combination of these aspects.

You have your own system of values ​​that can vary over time, but you also have a kind of “inner compass”. For example, this will help you to identify certain situations that you consider unfair.

The risk of not listening to your own conscience

Thanks to William James, we know that consciousness is something that is rooted in your being. Something that guides you and gives you the opportunity to change and learn. Which means that we are able to distinguish between what is right and wrong.

At this point, you may be wondering

Here are some possible reasons:

  • Someone who is more focused on the outside world, guided only by what people say or by the need to please others, and does not listen to himself.
  • When one’s conscience carries less weight than external factors, it leads to neglect, discomfort, lack of well-being, and problems with  their self-esteem.
  • On the other hand, some may focus only on what is to their advantage in a purely selfish way, with little regard for others.
  • Consciousness is formed by your values ​​and an almost “instinctive” essence that tells you what is right and wrong.
  • However, there are those who do not listen or listen to their conscience because they are simply seeking their own welfare without assessing values ​​or understanding what is noble or respectful.
Hands with butterfly and flowers

Learn to listen to the voice of your conscience

There is nothing healthier or more enriching than listening to the voice of your conscience every day.

It is possible to take it for granted, to tell yourself that you have done it and that life there goes on in subtle harmony where your actions are in line with your important values.

But sometimes the opinions of others can hold you back. And so can conventional wisdom or the things that people expect of you.

So try to remember these simple tips:

  • If your conscience tells you to go, do not stay where you are.
  • If it tells you to tell the truth, do not tell a lie.
  • If it tells you you need to protect yourself, do not run away.
  • If it tells you to ask for help, do not leave.
  • If it tells you to take a chance, do not be afraid.

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