Model Lost Her Leg After Using Tampons

To reduce the risk of getting this disease, it is important to never leave a tampon indoors for more than eight hours straight. Also take a break and replace with bandages at least once a day. 
Model lost her leg after using tampons

Tampons are one of the most popular hygiene products for women, because they are easy to use and make everyday life a little easier when “aunt red” comes to visit. That said, there is one caveat that is always listed in the package insert: the risk of developing toxic shock syndrome when using tampons.

This is a bacterial infection that occurs very rarely when using tampons. However, it can be extremely dangerous if not treated quickly. One who really got to experience the consequences of this disease was the successful American model Lauren Wasser who lost her leg after developing the disease.

What is toxic shock syndrome?

This rare disease is one of the major risks of using tampons without taking the proper  precautions.  And is caused by a type of bacterium known as  Staphylococcus aureus  that is found naturally in the skin, armpits, vagina, perineum (the area between the vaginal entrance and the rectal opening) and the throat. The development of the bacterium can also be accelerated by an infection.

It is estimated that a third of the world’s population has this bacterium in their body, but without noticing any negative effect on health.


The problems begin when the virus in this bacterium changes, and this process takes place most effectively in hot environments. When this happens, toxins are released that negatively affect the body.

By using absorbent tampons, an environment is created in the abdomen that concentrates fluid in the same area over time, which helps bacteria to grow.

This is a real risk, and the basis for the countless campaigns against tampon manufacturers. Although all hygiene products for women come with a package insert where these risks are explained, this is often written in such small print that few take the time to read it.

By ignoring the disease and its symptoms, the bacterium will be able to spread in the body without noticing what is happening. And therefore do not get to do anything until it is too late. This is what happened to Lauren Wasser who, after going through the gruesome consequences of toxic shock syndrome, wants to share her story. To make sure other women are more careful when using tampons.

The story…


Lauren’s sad story began on October 3, 2012, when she began to feel tired and thought she had the flu. She also happened to have her period and used her regular tampons, as this was the most practical at work.

She had already had her period for 11 years, and the use of tampons was always the first choice. Because she always felt safe when “that time of the month” came creeping up.

As with most young girls growing up, Lauren had a conversation about using tampons with her mother when she reached a certain age when this became relevant. The mother explained how the tampon should be used and that it is important to change the tampon every three to four hours, as it can be risky for health to leave them in for too long at a time.

The day the infection started, Lauren had, as usual, followed her mother’s advice and changed the tampon at the right time. But when she went to a party to celebrate a friend’s birthday that night, the flu symptoms got worse. She tried to behave normally, but struggled to stay on her feet. Many of her friends commented that she did not look well. And when she could not endure any longer, she lay down on a bed and closed her eyes. All she wanted was to sleep.

Be careful when using tampons

That same evening, Lauren went home and went to sleep, without consulting her doctor about her condition. She explained to her mother that she was tired and needed sleep. The next morning, her mother was worried about her and decided to call a friend and a police officer to make sure everything was in order. They found the model lying on the floor in their room.

The fact that Lauren survived is now seen as a miracle in itself. Doctors have said in retrospect that when she arrived at the hospital she had only 10 minutes left to live. The fever was well above 38 ° C and the organs had failed. They also feared that she had had a heart attack.

Later, after doctors managed to save her life, Lauren was diagnosed with toxic shock syndrome.  And to everyone’s dismay, her infection caused a cold sore. 


Life without a leg

After losing her leg, Lauren felt that her life was over. And that nothing else meant anything anymore. But she eventually managed to move on and realize that she still had a lot to live for. Which gave her the strength to fight to raise people’s awareness of this disease.

Her lawyer encouraged her to sue the manufacturer of the tampons she used  (Kotex Natural Balance). Because they did not provide enough information about the risks involved in using tampons. Now, three years later, Lauren has recovered and returned to her modeling career.  With the support of those who still have faith in her. 

In her latest photo shoot , she decided to show the world the result of this tragic story for the first time. By posing in a full-length image that showed off her prosthesis.

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