Magic White Clay: What Is It And Why Should You Use It?

Conventional products are not the best option for degreasing and also irritate the hands. However, there are alternatives! We tell you everything you need to know about the magic degreaser in this article.
Magic White Clay: What is it and why should you use it?

Have you heard of magic white clay for degreasing surfaces?

With conventional detergents and products, the task of cleaning grease from various household items has never been simple or completely satisfactory. That is, until the arrival of the magic degreasing camp… an impeccable solution that we will present in this article!

It is an artificial stone in solid form made from organic, biodegradable and natural ingredients. The materials that make up the essence are soap shavings, micronized white clay, vegetable fat, lime oil, sodium and glycerin.

You should be aware that, unlike other cleaning products, this stone is free of acids, phosphates and toxic products of any kind. In addition to being free of allergens, it does not sting the skin and is not dangerous for children to use.

How can I use magic white clay?

When you moisten the sponge and run it over the stone, it produces white foam. This foam has a very fine clay type with which it achieves a small abrasive effect. In this way we can achieve deep cleaning without damaging any of the surfaces of the home.

After cleaning, specialists recommend wiping the surfaces with a damp cloth and then with a dry cloth. This will remove any clay residue that the magic degreaser may leave behind.

What surfaces can this product clean?

The number of objects and surfaces you can clean with magic white clay is infinite. For example, you can use it to clean faucets and tiles, rust stains, plastic, glass, ceramics and bathroom elements such as sinks, bathtubs, mirrors and toilets.

However, it is also important to be aware of the limitations of the magic degreaser. You should not clean any wood in any of its forms with this stone. It is also not recommended for cleaning any kind of textiles.

orange peel
Orange peel is a natural alternative for cleaning due to their inherent properties.

Use of orange peel as a natural degreaser

In her work for Sek International University, Andrea Emilia Quiroz Valle proposes the possibility of making a degreaser based on orange peel. According to the author, the intention of the study is based on the fact that orange peel is one of the most common organic solid waste types in her country.

Quiroz Valle claims that due to the active principles of orange peel, it is economical to produce in addition to being a potentially effective degreaser.

Nevertheless, the magic degreaser is not expensive and is an affordable alternative. It is not available in all stores, but you need to keep your eyes open for it. Once acquired, the advantage is that you only need to use a little each time so that you can extend the duration.

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