Low-calorie And Tasty Tomato Jelly

Tomato jelly tastes incredibly good and is not too sweet, which makes it go well with most dishes.
Low calorie and tasty tomato jelly

Have you ever tried a tasty tomato jelly? It is a dish that is usable, tasty and best of all: health-promoting.

A tasty tomato jelly has an infinitely high number of vitamins, especially the complex B vitamins. It is rich in carotene, which gives the tomato its attractive and delicate red color. As if that’s not enough  , the tomato contains almost no calories, is a wonderful source of antioxidants, and contains properties that are anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic and hypoglycemic. This information is supported by nutritionists. In addition, there is strong evidence that tomatoes are a good partner in preventing cardiovascular disease.

The benefits of the tomato

mint and tomatoes


  • Reduces cholesterol: Thanks to its content of lycopene, the tomato helps to eliminate toxins and reduce cholesterol. Many studies support this, and in fact, people who eat tomatoes in either salads, juices or jellies reduce the possibility of cardiovascular disease by 50%. The lycopene protects our arteries.
  • Free of both calories and fat : 95% of tomatoes are water. They are nutritious and give us a feeling of satiety, without us gaining weight. Tomatoes are also a great source of vitamins A, B and C and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and iron.
  • Improves vision and contributes to good oral health: Eating tomatoes helps prevent the occurrence of diseases in the mouth (such as tumors), and maintains vision.
  • Prevents cancer : Studies from Harvard University say that if you eat tomatoes regularly, you can avoid cancer of the digestive system and breast cancer.


Recipe for tasty tomato jelly

Tomto jelly



  • One kilo of tomatoes
  • 400 grams of sugar
  • The juice of a lemon
  • A cinnamon stick


  • Start by toasting the tomatoes. This is done by boiling a pot of water. When the water boils, put the tomatoes on top and let it sit for less than a minute. When the tomatoes are scalded, take them out of the water and cool them down with cold water. It will now be much easier to peel them. Remember to remove the seeds, if possible.
  • Remove the tomato flesh and place in a bowl. Pour over the sugar immediately, as well as the juice from a lemon. Leave it for an hour. This means that the acid in the tomato is mixed with the flavors.
  • Now you are ready to have the mixture in a saucepan. The ingredients should cook on low heat. Remember to put the cinnamon stick in as well. It will give the gel a delicate and special taste. Stir gently over low heat and then carefully remove the tomato juice little by little. The cooking will take at least an hour. You can taste a little now and then, to make sure you like it. The most important thing is that you do not forget to touch once in a while. If it burns, the jelly gets a bitter taste.
  • Once the gel has a thin and light texture, remove it from the heat. Let the mixture rest for an hour. As the gel gets cold, it will also thicken.
  • Now you can pour it into glasses for storage. For longer durability, you can seal the jars with vacuum. This can be done by putting the jars in a pot of hot water. When you hear the “pop” sound, the glasses are hermetically sealed and have a longer shelf life.



An excellent way to enjoy tasty tomato jelly is to spread it on a slice of wholemeal bread together with a piece of brie.

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