Learn How To Grow Blueberries At Home

When planting seeds, remember that the plants need up to four years before they bear fruit. However, you can start with a young plant.
Learn how to grow blueberries at home

They are one of the best fruits available for your health, but do you know how to grow blueberries at home? Thanks to their antioxidants and a large amount of vitamins and minerals, they help prevent all kinds of health problems, such as premature aging and even cancer.

Frequent intake of blueberries has been shown to be ideal for people with high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol, and they are also an excellent treatment for urinary tract infections. The biggest obstacle with this fruit is the availability and price. They can be expensive.

But you can get around this problem if you grow blueberries in your own home. If you want to learn how to do it, we at Veien til Helse will guide you step by step.

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Learn how to grow blueberries at home

It is easy to grow blueberries, but one of the “disadvantages” is how long it usually takes. It takes approx. 3 to 4 years for the plants to bear fruit. However, this is when you start the process from scratch, from seed. If you choose to start later in the process, it will go much faster.

1. Think about how and where you want to grow them

Grow blueberries at home

Whichever option you choose, keep in mind that blueberry bushes require a lot of space to grow. If you have a garden, you can make a bed, which is good for letting the water pass under. But if you live in a smaller place, it is no problem if you grow blueberries in pots. This also depends on how you start the process.

If you decide to start with seeds, you must first plant them in a seedbed, or in a plastic container, and then transfer them as soon as they germinate.

  • If you choose to start with a small plant, you do things a little differently. You need a larger pot, approx. 20 liters.
  • When the plant is mature, you should move it to a pot of 70-80 liters to give it the space it needs.

2. Prepare the soil where you want to plant them

Soil and garden tools

Blueberry bushes are known to grow in fairly acidic soils, with a pH value of between 4.5 and 5. Creating the right soil is important for growth.

You can do this by using ingredients as follows:

  • Flour of cotton seeds
  • Fertilizer made from fruit peel
  • Child needles
  • Oak leaves
  • Peat bog

Decide what you want to cultivate

Learn how to grow blueberries at home

When you know that blueberry bushes need a lot of time to grow, make sure you choose what is right for you (seed or a young plant), and whether you want to plant several bushes at the same time. If you choose several shrubs, it is best to plant them in separate containers.

4. Care

Learn how to grow blueberries at home

Blueberries need a lot of sun to get nourishment. Water is of course necessary, but they do not grow well if the conditions are too wet. Water them often, making sure the pot they are in has good drainage.

Recipe with blueberries

When your project bears fruit and you can pick these delicious berries, you have an endless variety of recipes to choose from. A very simple but very tasty alternative is to make these muffins with blueberries and lemon. They are great for breakfast or as a small snack.


  • 300 g flour
  • 200 g white sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder (7 g)
  • 1 teaspoon salt (5 g)
  • 60 g natural yogurt
  • 2 eggs
  • 250 ml milk, preferably skimmed
  • 50 g melted butter
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract (5 ml)
  • 180 g blueberries
  • 1 tablespoon lemon peel (10 g)


  • Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
  • Grease the muffin tins or use paper tins.
  • Mix sifted flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the liquids: yogurt, eggs, milk, melted butter and vanilla extract.
  • Add the liquid to the dry mixture and mix well until all lumps are gone.
  • Then add the blueberries to the mixture along with the lemon peel.
  • Fill the muffin tins 3/4 full.
  • Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until you can stick a thin wooden stick (like a toothpick or match) into the muffins without leaving the batter hanging.
  • Cool at room temperature and enjoy.

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